That these Northerners are quiet and calm does not mean they are weak

“Between 2018 and 2019, huge number of kidnapped kids from the North were found in Southeast, you all can bear me witness that kids were kidnapped from Kano and Kaduna and then sold in Anambra and Imo States, yet these Northerners kept quiet. Let’s all be calming down, no one is worst than the other, we all are humans…”
They have been dared, abused, attacked, harassed, and demonised, yet they pretend as if they don’t watch the news. Nope, these Northerners watch the news more than us the Southerners.

They understand the consequences of war or tribal conflict, the Igbos and Yorubas living with them have been classified as their fellow Citizens, and they treat us right in the North because they understand the meaning of PEACE.
They have nothing to loose if this tribal conflict breaks out, but still they are as calm as the lakes in the desert.
In the past two days, they have raised funds for their evicted people from the South to be transported back to the North but they have not evicted anybody from the North.
In the past two days, they have buried their people over there in the South, but no Southerner has been buried in the North over tribal attacks.
I belive there is a limit to everything and everyone has a price, there is a limit to their Patience, endurance and understanding, I just hope we don’t cross those limits and stop this madness.
Let the recent crisis that has happened in this Country teach us that not all Notherners are evil, not all Yorubas are evil and not all Igbos are evil.
Racial profiling must stop, we must fight the crime and leave the Tribe, we must prosecute the criminal and leave his or her brothers out of it.
Between 2018 and 2019, huge number of kidnapped kids from the North were found in Southeast, you all can bear me witness that kids were kidnapped from Kano and Kaduna and then sold in Anambra and Imo States, yet these Northerners kept quiet.
Let’s all be calming down, no one is worst than the other, we all are humans and we are prone to making mistakes in life.
Value the peace of mind you have today, don’t throw that privilege away because of pride and ignorance.
Let love lead.
Chigozirim Emeakayi