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WAKE UP: Tall order for next Nigerian generation of leaders


On Sunday January 8, 2023 while watching video of a presidential campaign event of the Action Alliance (AA), it was found out what probably is more likely to be the root of challenges of the country if the account by Presidential Candidate of the party, Major Hamzah Al-Mustapha (Rtd), is anything to go by.  The video was of a party event that happened, supposedly, in the first week of December 2022, according to account of one Deve Fassam, who described himself as a freelance writer with passion for news reportage, published on December 5, 2022 in Switch Nigeria with link:

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In the publication titled, “Abacha’s CSO, Al-Mustapha reveals how Boko Haram was created”, the striking and very thought provoking video made one to remain unsettled until, in the course of investigation and re-investigation into the natural resources-related economic issues raised in it, more and more were discovered about wealth that Nigeria is sitting on in the North East, especially in Borno State like in order parts of the country, and which is the very reason the West wants to destroy – with all manner of insecurity elements and activities – the beautiful (only) country that Nigerians have and can proudly call their own.

Discoveries were that Nigeria has Rhodium right under the earth in Sambisa Forest and the mineral is the major reason the West needed to cause confusion among Nigeria’s religious and ethnic cycles so as to disorient them while the creators of that unfathomable bewilderment are busy exploiting the solid minerals at the expense of the people’s rights to better living standard and life.  One, therefore, continues to wonder why Borno State is called the poorest in terms of the living standard of the people, despite being a very highly endowed part as the food basket of Nigeria in all ramifications and now, as it has been newly found out, joined with solid minerals that is simply natural gift from the Almighty Allah and, in the face of these, some people still comfortably boast to project the North as contributing nothing to national economy. This is what the unfriendly countries of the West want to achieve: That Nigerians will lose love and affection for one another and see one as parasite, economically, to another. It must stop!

Borno State’s capacity to feed the entire nation is not in doubt and that is so in terms of its ability to handle food security in large scale plus the already well known information about oil deposit on the Chad River Basin and now this Rhodium, which Nigeria was able to discover only in November 2015 upon coming to office of President Muhammadu Buhari.  At least today, against the many denials of the past that the North could have no oil under its soil located along the Sahara desert by geography, the world now knows that the crude that is the purest in the Africa’s biggest economy is in the North. Thanks to President Buhari, who dammed all consequences associated with the naysayers of the age of undeniable denials, proved all of those denials wrong and made the North now an essential oil producing region in Nigeria today. Nobody would have done it if he did not. It is sad the level of ethno-religious coloration of Nigerians towards administration of state. It must stop.

And this is where the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) must be careful with how it hobnobs with the West as against the country without which it will be nothing because – despite knowing that there must be a country before one can practice his or her religion – all the activities of CAN regarding religious crisis going after Islam and Muslims at every time the Muslims carry out their constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom of religious practice, investigations have shown, are not because of Christianity but because the supposedly apex body of Christianity in Nigeria operates based on the interest of its Western funders. Evidences abound for those with interest and time to probe.

All of this indefensible approach to religious activism must stop if Nigeria’s national interest and security really mean anything to CAN like it does to every other Nigerian. So also, to those Muslim “preachers” whose stock-in-trade is to brainwash innocent Nigerians into seeing that one has a place to go in heaven “if he kills for God”. No, God does not need the blood of his own servant to exist. Even where he enjoins sacrifice by animal, which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) describes as “the practice of my father Ibrahim (peace be upon him)”, it is commanded that the shedding of the blood must be done with compassion and hope for reward from the supreme creator, owner and commander of the world and all it encompasses. He is Lord of peace and wants mankind to do peace among themselves until the end of life of this world. To this end, if anyone makes himself the reason religion, which is the only evident connection between God and his human creatures, is seen as evil and setback for any nation, thereby providing opportunity for the West that is good only for exploitation and underreported hypocrisy as reference point of non-religious nations that make it scientifically and technologically, it is not the duty of this piece to judge such a person.

The West, according to what we found out, is the one that is funding all of these religious and ethnic crises in Nigeria and that is more evident in a report available on some straightforward and trusted media globally including EURO NEWS titled: “Exclusive: CIA and Mossad are behind Boko Haram and ISIL, says Sudan president” updated: 16/02/2015 with Link: ; Nigeria’s Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, via his Twitter handle @realFFK posted on May 3, 2014 titled, “Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation –  Wikileaks – The African Renaissance News” with Link: ; In his post, Olayinka Agbetuyi, making reference to Wikileaks and The DEFENDER, also brought same title up for discussion wondering why the same USA is first to criticise Nigeria at a strike of Boko Haram. See Link: ; Same also has a mention as a major headline by Bala Ibrahim in his article published on August 5, 2022 titled: “BBC Brash: Confirming The CIA Covert Conspiracy” with Link: ; Another reference from Wikileaks was published on June 12, 2017 titled: “Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation” with Link: ; Naira Land Link: ; Muslim News Magazine (MNM) with motto: Discover today’s Muslim American also published a title, “Terrorist Organisation or CIA Covert Operation in Destabilization Plots Against Nigeria” with Link:; Daily Trust in its publication of an opinion by Aisha Umar-Yusuf on 25 February, 2012 also made reference to the same title drawn from Wikileaks titled, America’s Destabilization Plots Against Nigeria: The Boko Haram Angle” with Link: ; and last but not the least The DEFENDER, among several other news websites, in its publication also drawn from Wikileaks on December 20, 2020 published same topic titled, “BREAKING: BOKO HARAM IS A CIA COVERT OPERATION – WIKILEAKS” with Link:

With all of the above cited references, it can only make sense for adherents of religion and ethnicity to watch their way in order not to be caught in the web of those who will eventually be exposed as enemies of their own country and who are killing the peace, chances of the people to access better life and good living standard when the day of reckoning will come and which will come very soon right here on the surface of the earth.

Thank you. If this impresses you enough, then keep a date with WAKE UP next Friday for Part 2…But don’t forget to send your reaction to above email address.

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