Understanding Amnesty International conflict merchant

Amnesty International is a representation of hoax, and an organization that has over the years propagated an agenda aimed towards destroying the socio-economic life of countries in the African continent. This much has been their lot in its operations in Nigeria wherein it has on numerous occasions attempted to destabilize the country by providing tactic support to terrorist and militant groups.

Amnesty International are indeed conflict merchants because that is where the money is and therefore they must play big in that arena if they must remain relevant and to achieve this; they must undermine national security in countries where they operate by providing cover for terrorist and militant groups to thrive in the perpetuation of violence.
The case of Nigeria is indeed worthy of mention in the sense that Amnesty International has caused more harm than good. Amnesty International has been providing covert support to the operations of the Boko Haram group so much so that it was alleged in some quarters that part of the agreement entered by Amnesty International with the Boko Haram terrorist network is to distract that Nigerian Military as much as possible in the prosecution of the war against terror in North-East Nigeria.
It is, therefore, my considered opinion that they somewhat succeeded in this regards with the barrage of despicable campaigns against the Nigerian Army in all of its operations through its annual reports, press statements and other avenues that indeed put the Nigerian Army on the spot. However, what most Nigerians didn’t realize was the fact that Amnesty International was acting a script that would see to the advancement of the activities of the Boko Haram group.
I must that if not for anything; Amnesty International is well crafted in propaganda. They do this so effortlessly that you would need some level of circumspection to unravel their true motives. I am sure many would agree with me that indeed Amnesty International is a two-faced organization. One face is projecting human rights, and the other face is swelling terrorism. Consequently, have we wondered why the voice of Amnesty International is heard the most in countries experiencing conflict, and in most cases, these conflicts degenerates rapidly leading to war situations.
The answer is not farfetched because that has been their overarching strategy as conflict merchants. For it is a statement of the fact that for every conflict, there are conflict merchants behind the scene fueling the escalation of the conflict and in Nigeria and indeed the African continent, Amnesty International leads the pack. This is not a subject of debate as the recent happenings in Nigeria indeed buttresses the ignoble role of Amnesty International in the festering of the Boko Haram crisis in North-East Nigeria as well as the activities of other militant groups in the country.
To say that Amnesty International supports and speaks on behalf of these terrorist groups would be an understatement as its propaganda machinery has been well activated for the good of the terrorist and militant groups and at the detriment of peace and stability in the country.
It is indeed a shame that the gimmick of Amnesty International went unnoticed by successive administrations in the country for inexcusable reasons not until recently when critical questions were asked. The supposed global human rights group could not provide answers. Instead, it elected to scream political persecution by the government.
This is how despicable and dishonourable Amnesty International can get whenever the searchlight is beamed on its activities. I am more than glad that finally, there is a new awareness in Nigeria with regards to Amnesty International and its proclaimed stance on human rights. It is also laughable that an organization that seeks to protect and promote human rights operates a highly divisive and toxic workplace where staffers are subjected to all manner of ill-treatment and deprivations.
According to findings, Amnesty International is indeed one hell of an organization that operates against all know norm of morality. For an organization that encourages racial discrimination and other forms of anomalies in its operations is not fit to advocate human rights preservation by any stretch of the imagination. Instead, it should bury its head in shame for leading the propaganda wing of terrorist cells across the globe and in a very covert way.
For them, this is business that must continue for them to continue to receive funding for its operations that thrives in sorrows, tears and blood. And Nigeria is a good example of this. The number of deaths in North-East Nigeria perpetrated by the Boko Haram group does not mean a thing to Amnesty International, instead what makes sense to them is for Boko Haram to continue to kill innocent women and children. It doesn’t also make sense to Amnesty International when Boko Haram sends young girls out as suicide bombers to detonate bombs in public places including places of worship, markets and motor parks. This is the true definition of preservation of human rights according to the gospel of Amnesty International.
This is not just sad, but also a crime against humanity in all ramification. So much so that I wonder how an organization with such an evil objective would have the moral right to comment on human rights issues and with impunity. What has the world turned to?
At this point, I must not fail to commend the Nigerian authorities for the great effort in exposing the real motives of Amnesty International as conflict merchants with a great desire to see Nigeria erupt in flames. I must also commend the resilience of the Nigerian people for asking critical questions and demanding for the expulsion of Amnesty International from Nigeria for its role in the escalation of violence across the country.
This is indeed not the best of times for Amnesty International in Nigeria as the rope is gradually getting close to its neck and there is no hiding place anymore. Their propaganda machinery is falling like a pack of cards, and the only option left is to desist from their nefarious ways or face the wrath of the people. And this time around, the people are more resolute in demanding for an end to the evil ways of Amnesty International.
Interesting times are indeed around the corner and Nigerians should brace up for the last kick g of a dying horse. Would this be effective? I do not think so because the game has indeed come to an end. I co anclude by saying that Amnesty International is the mother of all terrorist organizations. The indices are very clear.
*Thomas Uzah PhD is HOD Mass Communication Kwararafa University Wukari.