Capt. Jauro Musa Liya (Rtd)

“The dexterity of the Nigerian Army at this critical time kept this country to this day as one indivisible entity, to the utmost disappointment and chagrin of divisive elements and selfish wicked politicians and their local and international collaborators. Having failed woefully to the use of sponsored ridiculous agitations, – they resorted to the use of sordid propaganda, lies, falsehood and fake news to portray this government and the army in bad light before good loving citizens of this country and the international community.”
It is a sad reality now that there are many wolves adorned in sheep’s clothes parading as champions of democracy, but actually working clandestinely to subvert our sovereignty, democracy, peace and security of our country.
If not for anything, the events of the past few weeks have made it obvious. The attention of many Nigerians has moved from the activities of insurgents, bandits and other criminal elements to the chaotic happenings around the entire country occasioned by the nasty activities of hoodlums that hijacked the ENDSARS protest.
This marks the peak of desperation by subversive elements determined to undermine our democracy, peace, security and existence as a nation.
Having tried all kinds of incitements and fake news that didn’t work in their favour, ranging from sponsored terrorism and media propaganda both locally and internationally, they orchestrated a grand design that is capable of throwing the country into the worst form of anarchy.
The tragedy is that the same people, who would not waste time to castigate and denigrate every step taken to secure this country, are the same people who have been secretly working to destroy our democracy.
The Nigerian Army as the defender of our sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country have had to deal with activities of the terrorists on the one hand and ensure there is no reversal on the gains made against terrorism, while on the other hand, had to quell insurrections emanating from different corners. All these coordinated plans are garnished with jaundiced media that is rooted in propaganda, fake news and outright falsehood. The Nigerian Army had both it hands full since the events of the past weeks emanated.
The dexterity of the Nigerian Army at this critical time kept this country to this day as one indivisible entity, to the utmost disappointment and chagrin of divisive elements and selfish wicked politicians and their local and international collaborators.
Having failed woefully to the use of sponsored ridiculous agitations, – they resorted to the use of sordid propaganda, lies, falsehood and fake news to portray this government and the army in bad light before good loving citizens of this country and the international community.
The happenings of the past weeks are deeper than met the eyes. It was an attempt by detractors to open the scars of the sad era of the civil war in Nigeria. Careful observers are beginning to understand the mischief, the game plan and appreciate the heroic and patriotic actions of President Muhammadu Buhari and the Nigerian Army under the sincere and patriotic leadership of Lt Gen Tukur Buratai in steering this country away from an imminent chaos and palpable disintegration.
From all indications, and going by their antecedents, it is obvious that this will not be the last plot by these subversive elements as they are unrelenting in bringing down a democratically elected government that came through the popular mandate of the Nigerian people. The Nigerian Army therefore must brace up and live up to its responsibility/promise to protect Nigeria’s hard earned democracy at all cost and by all means possible. This a role that it is only the Nigerian Army that can effectively perform at the moment.