WAKE UP: The Russian and Americo-Ukrainian war in the eyes of simple History


Any government that comes after President Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration and return Nigeria to the monopolistic ‘development’ partnership with the West, particularly United States of America, which does not love us for any such positive developments underscored in the outlines above, should know that it can only incur the wrath of Almighty Allah on itself and those in its authorities.
On my Facebook social media timeline on Friday March 25, 2022, I ventilated my concern about the unthinkability of some particularly Nigerians, whether home or abroad, who dominate the social media anytime there is a global issue and then they begin to take sides with the West, burning data at personal costs amidst incessant complaints of poverty and hunger by the same people. The latest of such behaviour is to fight for the West while denigrating Russia, despite evidences of many evils of the side they defend against their own race. To them, all wrongs cannot be condemnable as long as they are committed by the West but, effort of any other part like Russia to protect its national security and interest of its people is sacrilege punishable by death. Nigerians must not be seen in this.
Do these people of my own country of great minds not see what is at stake? Do they not read? What complication do they have in understanding the simple questions President Vladimir Putin of the Russia Federation is asking the West, which they cannot answer but rather take to what has been generally described as hypocrisy of the West; so much that the only report, news and excuses they want to hear, read and believe must come from United States President Joe Biden and his NATO allies? Why do some Nigerians embarrass our great country like there are no sensible there than such a people who would want to go to far away Ukraine to go and fight against Russia?
Just before I go to what exactly I have said on that post, let me remind my readers the questions Putin is asking the West and then we can look profoundly into them as to whether they are valid questions or not.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is asking the following questions from the West:
1. Was there any Sanctions imposed on ISRAEL for killing and destroying the innocent women and children of Palestine?
2. Was there any Sanctions imposed on AMERICA for Killing and destroying the lives of innocent women and children of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam and even stealing their Diamonds and Gold?
3. Was there any Sanctions imposed on AMERICA/FRANCE for killing Muammar Gaddafi and destroying Libya?
4. Was there any America/NATO soldier that’s punished for raping and torturing the innocent women/children of all these aforementioned countries?
5. Is there any sanction imposed on FRANCE for inciting crisis and unrest in several African countries? These are highly war crimes America and NATO should be punished for, Putin asked those questions and expressed his expected.
Commenting on these unanswered questions now being hypocritically responded to, with the US and NATO disguised military war (although denied) on the side of Ukrainian troops on ground in Ukraine, a particular African said in a post that, “Maybe it is high time we understand that NATO, USA and all their allies are the most dangerous evils of our time. We must therefore change the world balance of power, and make sure everyone has equal rights and stop the oppressors.”
Like we have had some Nigerians living in United States, who stoke the #EndSARS violence against the country on October 20, 2020 and more still happening, some Nigerians home or abroad appear to some of us like they are not exactly as human as we are. This is when they get hardened in their hearts still doing their rabblerousing, joining the United States, which has involved itself fighting against Russia right on the soil of Ukraine using innocent Ukrainian citizens as shield in battle front, in winning the war on social media.
Whereas, realistically, Russia has virtually wiped the 40 million popular country into “Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps as they have now become refugees in neighbouring European countries and America, to the chagrin of back-and-front Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose double standard – a little tilt to the NATO that has refused to accept him as member and a little to now wanting Israel as saviour.
It is despicable, unpardonably contemptible that any Nigerian – who is happily supporting the West, a people that ran and still run his race aground – will be angry to see me support Russia, a people that have no history of ever colonising, enslaving, maltreating, equating my people’s colour of the skin to that of ape and bingo.
Such Nigerian is sick in the heart if he does not see the point we are making, no matter how opinionistic we can be with it, and he continues to support blindly such West, who, like it never happened, still shroud wickedness in democracy and human rights and, by so doing, disguise to hold down the process of his nation’s development.

Is anybody wondering how History was killed in Nigeria therefore? I want to thank the Nigerian political class and we have them in Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) like we particularly have in a President Muhammadu Buhari of All Progressives Congress (APC), for developing what I call party’s foreign policy (maybe it is President Buhari’s foreign policy anyway).
Where Republican of United States, politically, has foreign policy of fighting mostly wrongful war against peaceful nations around the world and Democrat has foreign policy of igniting conflict situations, imposing mostly wrongful sanctions and feeding fat for country through sales (provision) of weapons to fuel war so created, all in the interest of own country alone and nothing else, the foreign policy created by Muhammadu Buhari led APC Federal Government of Nigeria (which must now be institutionised to remain with us) has since STOPPED the Nigeria’s ‘development’ partnership – of no value addition but several deductions – from the hitherto monopoly of America. And what did that give us in terms of increment for good of the country? Nothing!
In the name of human rights activism, freedom of speech and association, always largely abused having been taken too far like one so called youthful presidential candidate claiming he’s allowed by democracy to protest and be burning used tyres on asphalt-tarred roads built with state resources thereby destroying infrastructure, Nigeria’s university system is now in shamble – any little disagreement between government and lecturers, it is strike action and if government takes any action.
I am still going on. Local refineries that used to give locally refined petroleum products to Nigerian public and consumers at affordable pump prices got destroyed by militants, who, assisted by “Nigeria-made lawyers”, would also claim it is within their fundamental rights as host communities to destroy those oil installations to prove a point thereby subjecting the country to importation of products that, if not subsidized, is hell, and any attempt by government of the country to act against those unpatriotic moves leads to America coming with its ‘human rights index report’. What human rights portion of the international law would have disregard for national security and interest of the country and people trained to protect such interest would now be the one to promote the double standard?
That monopolistic ‘development’ partnership with the West earned us no more than backwardness, endemic corruption and unwillingness of citizens to have confidence in the country. It also earned us more evils, dollarised activists that spur fellow citizens to protesting, damaging and destroying their own country in the name of demanding for their rights although they have duties they fail to carry out.
Another of Western evils to our race and nation is the negative transformation of Nigeria from a self-reliant country to debtor society. More saddening, even when they give the so called loan, they know who in government they give. If they know there is a no-nonsense state leader in place, like they did to Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Mammaur Gaddafi of Libya and Jacob Zuma of South Africa to mention but few, they plot coupe from within the system, remove him and impose their stooge in government of the country who will still the money and stack it back into where the loan comes from but in private foreign accounts of the looters. What does that mean? It means that while the money, although looted, is in accounts in various banks in the colonialist societies, it serves their economy well, while cash flight leads to economic problem resulting from industrial collapse, electricity infrastructural dilapidation and unemployment, which then finally lead to youths unrest like we have in our country Nigeria today.
What is more, we then become like the kid, who looks to the front when he falls whereas what led to his fall is behind him but he fails to check. At worst, the same people fund religious crisis in Nigeria, making Christians to see Muslims, not only as their enemies but also as enemies of progress. You then have situation where Christian Association of Nigeria would go to America to report that Muslim President Muhammadu Buhari of Fulani tribe has spent the whole of his tenure killing Christians in Nigeria and America, particularly under Donald Trump, believed him. In effect, Tucano planes President Buhari paid for without delay, which Trump should have supplied by end of 2020, were not supplied until after Trump’s tenure. It is that bad.
That was how the West reduced Nigeria, like other African nations, to no less than debtor-country without project attached in evidence for what is owed.
A monopolistic ‘development’ partnership that President Buhari took us from is one that killed all our industries: the textiles, vehicles assembling plant, never to make Ajaokuta rolling mill plant work, killing our local refineries, like I said earlier, using our own Nigerian citizens, for example, Niger Delta militants etc), our industries that made NAIRA MORE POWERFUL THAN THE DOLLAR in those days before and immediately after my generation was born, they killed all of those industries in the name of PRIVATISATION driven by GLOBALISATION. How many of industries are still alive today after privatisation? NEPA that has not died, how is it functioning? Which country produces electricity generator and in whose national currency is it brought to Nigeria as imperialist electricity alternative for Nigeria? Even if the generator is produced by China, so to say, is it purchased in Yuan? Who benefits from the killing of Nigeria’s energy system other than the West? Subsidy that is causing crisis between North and South leadership of government and in our country, the West is blamable. If our refineries were not killed due to their aided corruption, it would not happen. And when we even import, from which country and which country gave us adulterated fuel that damaged cars and which led to Nigerians going after the neck of the Fulani leader in power of the country? Instead of finding out why, they begin to fight themselves and politicians both of politics and religion stoke ethnic and religious crisis among them and then mass killings ensue. Who is responsible after a long time of freedom from their enslavement project in the Black Race? West!
Early this year we were told by those in charge of power in government that neighbouring countries like Benin, Ghana, Burkina Faso did not pay for the electricity we supplied them for the whole of 2021. What is sad? Light does not blink in those countries but, in Nigeria the country in the supply chain, companies are folding up and taking production to Ghana to be able to make ends meet.
But today, the President has taken our great country, Nigeria, from that Western monopolistic ‘development’ partnership to DIVERSIFIED development partnership that now works. It now sees us with China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, other countries, which have shown interest in our development, where people in control of power think well of us and believe that we, too, as Black Nation are entitled to being a Developed Economy – agronomically certain and technologically and industrially irreversible. With China we have our lost glory in the Railways back, and process to make it touch every other part of the country including our ports and farm centers is ongoing. The Lagos-Ibadan, Warri-Itakpe en-route Abuja and Abuja-Kaduna railways lines are now not only operational but standing as contributors to GDP while at the same time already paying back the loans taken for their building.
Any government that comes after President Muhammadu Buhari’s Administration knows that it can only incur the wrath of Almighty Allah on itself and on those in its authorities if they return our country to the West, particularly United States of America, which does not love us for any such positive developments underscored in the outlines above.
This West loves us for nothing than to see us the Africans in bad shape and then their media, for example the CNN, BBC, will come around take shots and broadcast to the world how it is only in Africa the world has malnourished children, number of out-of-school children, women extremely prone to untreatable cancer, how it is only in Africa that women must be moved out of their primary responsibility as mothers therefore exposing the society to danger of moral decadence, and how it is only America that can help.
With all the humanitarian services provided by the America and the rest of Western nations in the Nigeria’s North East, do we not wonder why and how Boko Haram insurgents continued until recently when the government, now having opportunity of military pacts with countries other than America, changed its tactics? Do we not remember that USA did not want to supply us the Tucano planes we paid several billions of dollars for knowing we needed them to end Boko Haram insurgence in our North East region?
Is that the West that some Nigerians, because of their selfish benefit of citizenship in America, Canada, USA, UK, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, (THE ADULTERATED FUEL THAT TOOK US HERE PRESENTLY IN THIS HARDSHIP WAS SUPPLIED BY WHICH COUNTRY? Definitely not Russia but strictly speaking BELGIUM – EUROPE), are fighting their fellow citizens to be seen as supporting? Such a person doing so, in view of all that I have highlighted above and will still provide hereinunder, has a black dot in his heart and is seriously sick beyond remedy!
*Bashir Adefaka, a Lagos based Journalist and online newspaper publisher, is a Prince of Isolo in Akure Local Government Area of Ondo State, South West Nigeria. Reach him via his email: omope72@gmail.com