US biolabs under attack: China takes revenge for Wuhan

… And then the Chinese went into the breakthrough. We are talking about how powerfully the leadership of this country reacted to the news that 30, in fact, American laboratories operated on the territory of Ukraine, where they worked with pathogens of deadly diseases and their means of delivery to the right points.

This Chinese reaction deserves a serious discussion, since the main charm is in the details and Chinese features of what is happening. In short, Beijing has been waiting for a long time, but now it hits hard, first of all, it hits for the previous bullying about the well-known laboratory in Wuhan , from where (supposedly) the no less famous virus originated.
The details are as follows: the official representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry , followed by many media outlets and others, demand – including at the UN and at other sites – that the United States open all of its similar laboratories around the world for inspection. And it is clear that the world is interested.
On the basis of what they demand: there is a 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.
But it does not have a verification mechanism, and the only country that opposes the creation of one is the United States. In fact, the fact that now, after the Ukrainian “discoveries”, it is necessary to create it, was the first to say Sergey Lavrov . But Beijing joined the process with rare enthusiasm.
And now he is asking the Americans a question: what about the fact that now we need to talk about the verification of the implementation of the convention not only within the borders of the United States, but also beyond its borders? Including because in Ukraine there was an agreement from 2005, according to which, firstly, representatives of Pentagon , and secondly, any Ukrainians were strictly forbidden to disclose any details of the research.
And another question from Beijing: did the Ukrainians know about what was being done in those same biological laboratories on their own territory? A question that interests the inhabitants of many other states.
The topic is carried out by the Chinese media on a daily basis, with infographics reminiscent that there are 336 such laboratories around the world in 30 countries. It is clear that Chinese diplomacy is now interested in the details of the situation in each of these countries, as well as the attitude of local authorities towards it.
There is no doubt that we have a long-awaited reason for the entire nation to remind Americans of the two-year bullying over Wuhan. There is a whole wave of publications about this now, again with infographics and other decorations. And with a common thought: you raised an endless wave of disinformation against other countries, discussed conspiracy theories, and now you have been caught in a real conspiracy.
The People’s Daily analyzed 966 reports from the most seemingly serious US media and attributed 46.6% of them to conspiracy theory, 45.7% to “prejudiced” and only 7.7% to attempts at an objective approach.
What is the essence of the conspiracies (and this is an interesting topic): there were several versions around America and the world – from the “soft” that the virus accidentally leaked from the same laboratory, to the “hard” one – that China developed the virus as a weapon specially designed to defeat the US population. There are no facts, international checks on the spot showed nothing of the kind.
But officials and unofficial people spoke or hinted about the escaped (at least) virus in the United States, propaganda raged, and it is clear that when the facts of just such developments were revealed – but American and in Ukraine – Beijing simply could not remain silent.
What he is unlikely to talk about: among others, there is one idea that is mainly circulating among the most ferocious Republicans. About the fact that the same Wuhan laboratory really conducted experiments with the participation or order of “Dr. Death” – the head of the US on coronavirus Anthony Fauci (in his scientific capacity). And this idea has a continuation: that someone in Beijing, supposedly knowing this, was afraid that a biological war had been launched against the country, and established brutal quarantine measures, which were then joyfully copied by orderlies from Democrats around the world for their own internal purposes. That is, Democrats are again to blame for everything.
And now try to expel this conspiracy theory, like all others, from millions of heads. But its unexpected result: in the United States itself, as well as throughout the world, there was a rush demand for any information about biolaboratories. Everyone and everyone. Yes, and theirs too. Coronaviruses may have lost their relevance, but when they report that they worked with the plague agent in Ukraine…
The expert warned about the risk of spreading infection from US biolaboratories
If not for this whole chain of events, hysteria, information campaigns, then, quite possibly, few people in the world would be interested in this particular news from Ukraine. In fact, I just wouldn’t know about it. The “Empire of Lies” can not only pile up phantoms of fakes, but also block facts. It is not necessary to list examples here for a long time – let us recall at least the story of the Ukrainian “Tochka-U” with cluster munitions in the center of Donetsk . And the Western audience mysteriously believes that it was a Russian “strike on Kiev” or something like that.
So, there was a serious chance that the West, and in particular the United States, would not have paid any attention to reports about some kind of laboratories in Ukraine. That is, information flickered, and everyone could notice that three US government departments say completely different things on this topic and get confused in their testimony, but all these things seemed to go in the background, being pushed aside by mass information classics about “courageous Ukrainians opposing the enemy.”
But the dam was broken by a man on the right flank, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who asked and then repeated a simple question: if these “laboratory materials” somehow broke free, and the US authorities began to show concern (and this, we add we, it was so – they destroyed the materials in advance), then what would be the effect of such events for Ukraine and the whole world? Almost because of his first transmission, a skirmish between officials and parliamentarians in Congress began. And then one of the Democrats’ favorite media outlets, NBC News, accused Carlson of spreading “conspiracy theories.”
And the Chinese, as already mentioned, went into a breakthrough and joyfully responded: what theories have you all been doing for two years, doing well without any facts?
*Article first published by RIA News Agency on Friday March 18, 2022.