U.S. media unfair to me, Trump cries out

U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday continued with what he described as “war on dishonest coverage’’ of him during the presidential election by the U.S. media.
Trump, on his Twitter handle, had accused two foremost U.S. media –The Washington Post and The New York Times — of “false and angry’’ coverage of him.

“The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the very beginning; said I would lose the primaries, then the general election.
“Their coverage about me has been so false and angry that The New York Times actually apologised to its dwindling subscribers and readers.
“They got me wrong right from the beginning and still have not changed course and never will,’’ he said.
He his recent visit to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was also prompted by the U.S. media reports that portrayed him as having a negative view about the agency.
“As you know, I have a running war with the media because they make it look as if I have a feud with the intelligence agencies.
“The reason CIA is my first stop is because of the media because they are the most dishonest people on earth. They make you feel that I hate the intelligence people,’’ Trump said.
He had also denied reports that he removed the statute of the civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. from the White House and blamed the U.S. media for what he called “dishonest reports.’’