The thickening uproars over the CAN-invented “herdsmen” debacle: Short memories or deliberate mischief against North of Nigeria?

By Prince Ade
“Or do we think that the economic and security havoc that PDP in collaboration with Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) wrecked upon Nigeria is only suffered in the South? If you think so, you are in serious case of self disillusion. The North also cry but they are more faithful than we are and so they don’t agitate, they don’t insult their leaders, not even Jonathan of the South was so much disrespected like you have very unprecedentedly disrespected a man in power, who they (the entire North) are proud of as their best contribution to national rebuilding, that is President Buhari. In the course of agitations, South-South turned themselves into darkness. South-East became terrorists producing region and now South-West is becoming the most untrustworthy region in Nigeria. You don’t find that in the North.”
I cannot but say that one is amused over the misrepresentations of the same causes of insecurity we all know for years by the different groups the Nigerian Wailing Wailers Association has categorised itself into.

The wailing groups are: 1. Defeated PDP dangerously desperate to come back, 2. the pro-Biafra Ohanaeze stogies called IPOB, now terrorists, 3. Middle-Belters, 4. Aggrieved corrupt rogues across the regions sponsoring militants, insurgents and IPOB, 5. Some PDP cronies in South West called Afenifere and 6. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).
All of these groups have different purposes and intentions but are now united against someone they all take as common enemy: President Muhammadu Buhari. This time it is all for the person of Buhari and the tribe and religion he comes from, particularly that is what the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), which agenda in nationhood of Nigeria is mainly to ensure that Islam and Muslims do not thrive to limelight, is fighting Buhari for. Recall CAN played prominent roles in the anti-Buhari hate and dangerous campaigns stated by Goodluck Jonathan-led PDP Presidential Campaigns in the build-up to 2015.
The defeated PDP, two and a half years after defeat, still spits bitterness and has been responsible for majority of hate speeches and dangerous sabotage that their being tolerated by the same man they hate have plunged Nigerians into hardship today. They had the economy in their hands and they have persistently hidden the economy in the dollars that they changed the bulk of Nigerian wealth into and have kept same hidden even away from graveyards and banks so that money would not be put in business talk less it will be in circulation.
Despite all of that, Buhari managed to shame them by boosting power, refineries and boosted agriculture such that today not only that we run a less dependent-on-oil economy but also we have the highest generated power in history of Nigeria. One would then wonder why 2,600 megawatts power gave regular power supply across Nigeria for Buhari’s first one month in office but now 7,001 megawatts can’t. The PDP’s last Federal Government sold power distribution rights but the same Nigerians who join them in shouting Buhari never, up till now, bothered to ask the shameless PDP leaers and members to whom power distribution was sold by them?
Answer to that question they failed to ask is why 7,001mw can’t give power supply to Nigerians whereas 2,600mw did at a time they never knew Buhari was serious about his rule of law policy. Same reason you have high cost of food in the face of plenty. So much that those who were backing smugglers – until Buhari stood his ground and crushed them lately –saying because the President can’t ban smuggling of rice when Nigeria does not produce locally had to go into the oblivion when faced with reality of Nigeria’s rice (they claim does not exist) being exported particularly by rice producing states of North like Kebbi. Today Kebbi has the largest rice mill in Africa.
Alas! Many Nigerians are ignorant yet those in the South claim to be educated than North. From the many hypocrisies we have now seen, it is clear even to the wailing wailers that whereas South claim to be more educated, fruits of education, literacy and awareness are more practically in public space of the North than they exist in the South. Today, why we glory ourselves on emptiness projecting North and contributing-nothing, knowing-nothing, so poor, so backward, the North now has is emerging the best in everything in Nigeria. They have the biggest rice mill in Africa. They have first of its kind Dry Inland Port in Nigeria. They will be fetching their oil soon because, those of us who believe North can never have oil are just of pure ignorance about why Saudi Arabia that is the worst desert in the world is the largest oil producing country in the world.
Question is why? Because, we are just simply hypocritically unhelpful to ourselves. We allow hate for the North and disbelief (as Muslims and Christians South) to becloud our senses of reasoning and judgment and, (against our resistance to religion) because Allah has promised never going to help hypocrites and saying that their punishment will be the hottest, and today backwardness that is simply the natural consequence of our unfortunate actions and attitudes towards the North has become our lot. We always run out of senses that America said more than “shithole” to Japan before but it is today a customer buying things from Japan. As America is now drifting towards a pit of self-distraction calling us a “shithole” country, we Nigerians particularly of Southern Nigeria, instead of us to sit down and prove to America why it will depend on us very soon, we are carrying hate too far against a North that has done us no wrong other the British handed over the powers of Independent Nigeria to them. Yet, instead of us to admit our evil against the North and Islam, we are now blaming innocent President Muhammadu Buhari for the same woes that we caused to ourselves.
“Or do we think that the economic and security havoc that PDP in collaboration with Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) wrecked upon Nigeria is only suffered in the South? If you think so, you are in serious case of self disillusion. The North also cry but they are more faithful than we are and so they don’t agitate, they don’t insult their leaders, not even Jonathan of the South was so much disrespected like you have very unprecedentedly disrespected a man in power, who they (the entire North) are proud of as their best contribution to national rebuilding, that is President Buhari. In the course of agitations, South-South turned themselves into darkness. South-East became terrorists producing region and now South-West is becoming the most untrustworthy region in Nigeria. You don’t find that in the North.” Those who, because of my strong position over this matter, therefore call me a Northerner should convince me why I should see white and call it black.
The other side of the problem is that we have a collective national disaster in terrorism starting from North East. They have now graduated from Boko Haram to ISWA, IPOB and Niger Delta Avengers all working only in collaboration against the peace, unity and collective development of Nigeria.
But all along one and most chameleon-like of the bitter wailing groups, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), has called that collective disaster Northernisation/Islamisation Agenda. This way they misled Goodluck Jonathan who fell for them as Christian-own President of Nigeria and the rest is now history. Thanks to Sultan and leader of Nigerian Muslims who stood his ground even in the face of provocations by CAN and the FG and got Nigerian Muslims and North out of complete mess and dangers CAN assisted by Jonathan soldiers plunged them.
But that is just recent. We all knew where Afenifere belonged in Jonathan era. We knew how their leaders including Chief Olu Falae took N100 million each to join in deepening Nigeria into insecurity. In order to continue their evil way they have supported everything that negative is known for against Buhari government. In the name of agitating for restructuring, we had the bombing of oil installations and offensives by IPOB. At that time, unfortunately, it was at those points of oil installations bombing by Niger Delta Avengers and IPOB activities that Afenifere activated collaborations with Ijaw and Ohanaeze just to show President Muhammadu Buhari that they did not make mistake supporting Jonathan against him. Yet they knew the implications of the activities of Niger Delta Avengers and IPOB in the endangerment that our national peace, unity and development could suffer. Yet the same Afenifere could not utter a word in defence of their own son, General Tajudeen Olanrewaju, when he was jilted by President Goodluck Jonathan from that area over his selective pardon that favoured Lt. Gen. Oladipo Diya the real fathomed coup maker and left Olanrewaju in the cold for plotting nothing. And now the “herdsmen” debacle.
CAN may not necessarily be the creator of most of the insecurity but his evil plots against Nigeria – thinking it is fighting Islam, Muslims and Northern Nigeria – have exposed it as the major confusionist “political” group in the name of religion that has misinformed governments and masses of Nigeria through its same-same in the Christian oriented Nigerian Press. And it is the reason we are where we are. They told Nigerian Press and Foreign Media that Mambilla Plateau massacre of over 700 Fulani is just a mere communal clash and that only 18 on both sides died. Nigeria Press helped them amplify the falsehood but Foreign Media said no. They stay away and the CAN people like Femi Fani-Kayode and terrorist IPOB got angry. But when it came to Rivers and Benue, they downed Christian killed in Rivers by cultists because CAN is not in war with cultists but Islam and North/Fulani, they chose to hype the Benue as “herdsmen” Fulani, North and Islam.
But the people I blame are the vulnerable Nigerians. If you were bold enough to sack wicked corrupt government of PDP and Jonathan, what is your justification for not standing by the Buhari government you installed? All because of collective hypocrisy!
We all Know Boko Haram and ISIS or ISWA and what they are. Muslims fall more their victims than Christians. CAN tell our Press they are herdsmen out to wipe out Christians and Islamise Nigeria and we can’t use our vast memory and rubbish CAN?
*Prince Ade posted this comment on his Facebook wall on Monday.