There is no necessity for a balance of power between the resistance and the occupiers. The conviction of the resistance in the justice of their cause, their unwavering determination, and their ability to fulfill the prerequisites for victory within themselves, all these compensate for any disparity in capabilities, resulting in remarkable achievements.
The appropriate choice for resistance is determined by the people of the occupied land, and no one should presume to assess it for them or criticize them.
They possess a profound understanding of the motivating factors and the obstacles they face and are in the best position to gauge the right timing for their actions. When they choose to engage in resistance as their method of defense,

Anyone who does not share their suffering experiences and lacks insight into their capabilities should respect their autonomy. Just as the saying goes, *”the people of Makkah are most knowledgeable about their own bellies,*” so too are the occupants of an occupied land the most informed about their situation.
There is no necessity for a balance of power between the resistance and the occupiers. The conviction of the resistance in the justice of their cause, their unwavering determination, and their ability to fulfill the prerequisites for victory within themselves, all these compensate for any disparity in capabilities, resulting in remarkable achievements.
As history has shown, as Allah said in the Holy Quran, *”How often has a small group prevailed over a larger one with Allah’s permission, and Allah is with the patient*. (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:249)”
Consider the vast difference in capabilities between the Libyan resistance and the Italian government, yet they resisted, and no one underestimated their efforts. They took risks, and the outcome favored them, ust as it did with the Afghan people and the Soviet Union, as well as against the Crusader occupation.
They overcame their adversaries with Allah’s permission, as the truth prevails over falsehood in every country subjected to occupation.
In all these instances, the resistance’s capabilities did not match those of the occupiers.
We bear witness to the atrocities committed by the Jewish occupiers against the Palestinian people, who refrained from confronting the heroic fighters and instead targeted innocent women and children. However, we acknowledge that the liberation of homelands comes at a price, a well-established and inevitable reality.
True freedom demands sacrifice, and every free person supports their homeland and religion.
Algeria achieved a glorious victory after sacrificing over 5 million martyrs.
In the land of Palestine, where the blood of unwavering fighters still flows, this is the land of the giants who stand against the oppressor’s dwell.
Napoleon, who conquered and occupied Egypt with arrogance and destroyed it, met his defeat in the land of Palestine. There, he lamented, “My dreams have shattered at your gates, O Akka. Farewell, there will be no meeting after that.”
Therefore, resistance, when undertaken by people of faith, armed with unyielding determination, and making great sacrifices, is the path to reclaiming stolen rights and a usurped homeland, even if the cost is high.
What have the Palestinians gained from peace negotiations? Have they emerged from them with anything but empty illusions? Have they been able to secure the rights of return for their displaced people, regain their land, or achieve their objectives?
In reality, “the world tends to favor the stronger side.”
We are not opposed to a just peace and a comprehensive political solution that recognizes the rights of their rightful owners and the homeland they fervently fight for. As Allah has said, in the Holy Quran, *”And if they incline to peace, then incline to it and rely upon Allah.* (Surah Al-Anfal, 8:61)”
Translated by: Abu Ahmed Farid