#TheAmazon: Words of citizens on Kemi Adeosun

Compiled by Bashir Adefaka
In recent times some well meaning human elements, with clean minds for true and sincere transformation of the Nation State called Nigeria, have noted that President Muhammadu Buhari’s emergence from the virtually impossible election contest of March 28, 2015 could not have happened by the ordinary. They say God wants to use the Daura, Katsina State-born former Military Head of State to identify the long make-belief complexity in Nigeria’s developmental challenges, expose factors responsible, demolish the agents and their parasitic structures responsible for those factors, without minding whose ox is gored, and then reconstruct a lasting and formidable structure that would eventually place the feet of the country on the sand of time and at par with its colleague nations at the global scene and in terms of industrialisation excellence. It is in the course of this demolishing process that Kemi Adeosun, a major bulldozing apparatus in the reconstruction project of the Muhammadu Buhari’s All Progressives Congress (APC)’s Government of Change, got shot in the foot for a sin she can never – by any section of the law – be held responsible for. But whereas some people, among them lawyers and journalists, are in jubilation over her eventual quit (to them her resignation means her defeat), many Nigerians have seen reason Adeosun should be accorded a high seat in Integrity Class for proving to the cynics that Muhammadu Buhari Administration is not about “Must-die-in Office” but for the love of country. On this ground we have compiled what citizens, home and in the Diaspora now confident that Nigeria has become a country to be proudly called their home, have said about the United Kingdom Citizen of Abeokuta, Ogun State accent. Excerpts:

Implication of Adeosun’s treatment to Diaspora – Rotimi Williams Fadoju
The issue of Kemi Adeosun should not be politicised in my own opinion. Rather, it should be seen as national disgrace. My reasons are as follows:
1) Nigerians in the Diaspora are being encouraged to come back home and contribute their quotas to the development of Nigeria, using mere NYSC discharge certificate, that added no educational value to anyone’s qualification as a weapon against Adeosun, will surely discourage many more Nigerians in the Diaspora to come home.
2) Nobody contested the educational qualification of Mrs Adeosun and her ability to perform.
3) Mrs Adeosun wasn’t born in Nigeria, and records shows that, she got her first Nigerian passport at the age of 34, that needs to be considered.
4) Mrs Adeosun was four years above the age of service before relocating to Nigeria.
5) Before we judge and crucify Mrs Adeosun, let’s ask ourselves, have I ever asked anybody to do anything on my behalf?
6) This same certificate was presented to Ogun State House of Assembly and our own DSS; they both cleared and affirm the authenticity of the certificates.
7) Same sets of certificates were presented to our National Assembly and DSS for scrutiny, they both affirm the authenticity.
As a true Nigerian, aren’t we suppose to be ashamed of our system?
I do not condone criminal activities, but I won’t be blind in judgment. Happy weekend all.
*Chief Rotimi Williams Fadoju lives in Lagos.
Is her resignation enough atonement? – Monday Onyekachi Ubani
KEMI ADEOSUN’s commendable resignation is not such a big news to me. Many patriots have resigned from public office in Nigeria before; she is certainly not the first and she will never be the last. I think the big question is, is her resignation enough atonement? No answer is needed friends.
What should interest Nigerians more is the whereabout of NURA ILIYASU, the famous 28 year old undergraduate who protested about the general hardship in the country and deprecated the unpardonable docility of the majority of Nigerians in the country. After his brilliant interview where he articulated his sound views in flawless English he was led away by a team of security agents. Questions: (1) I hope he is safe and not under any torture or harassment? (2) Hope the Security Agents noted that what he did is under his constitutional rights to so do? (3) Hope he is understood when he said that he is not under any mental disability or malfunction? (4) Hope the authorities have noted that what the young man has done is unprecedented and a general reflection of the feelings of majority of Nigerians who are undergoing economic torture and deprivation under the current hardship generally experienced in the country due to economic mismanagement of Nigeria by the current government in power? (5) Hope the current government in power will really appraise themselves and be sincere enough to admit and redress the hardship fast to avoid more Nuras taking one drastic step or another to draw the attention of the government in power? (6) Hope Mr ILIYASU shall be released unconditionally without hurt or prosecution for the legitimate steps he took to draw the attention of the government to the hardship in the land? And (7) Hope his release should be very soon as expected, maybe this week or maximum next week? NIGERIANS ARE AWAKE AND ARE WATCHING! We need news about him please!
*Ubani, lawyer and immediate past Vice President II, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), posted on his Facebook wall on Saturday.
Maduako Chiedozie @Toney Etido, your definition of a democrat is a leader who allows criminals and robbers to loot our trasury and hide under the rule of law. More nigerians are queing behind intergrity , Bring issue of killing or hunger, you can never steal the accolade, respect and dignity this single resignation has brought to this govt. Buhari remains a candidate to beat.
Kopshal Kopkuk Finally the people barrister turned politician. Tell us your party name.
Leiman Umar The entire post is one sided, I really don’t know what to say again if people like the barrister could this.
Samuel SirKelly Odoba So Ubani is in support of the suicide mission the guy embarked upon? Pdp sponsored the guy. He is too clean to be someone that is hungry. Do you know how much is the cost of leather jacket he took along because of cold up there?
Adeniyi Bello He was on a suicide mission,, you don’t climb such height anywhere in the world without safety Kit’s,,, what if he missed steps and fall ,,, no helmet, no safety belt, no knee protection, no safety boots etc,,,,,Mr Ubani I beg to disagree with you on this,,,
Sehindemi Olusola Solomon We know things are difficult because there is free money like before but climbing mast is not a solution. People like Barr. Ubani still survive and will not support any member of his family to protest by climbing
Mikail Ibn Jummaa Atolagbe When a Barr use the word majority, I hope the judge would ask him who conducted the census or collated the data. I can see that the Barr prefers Jonathan now because of the free wasteful monies.
Ubani Monday Onyekachi Mikail Ibn Jummaa Atolagbeconjecture. You people should concentrate and give good governance to Nigerians and leave GEJ alone, he is gone for ever for we threw him out. Right?
Prince Ade Barrister, Please, you asked but don’t want an answer if her resignation is enough for atonement. Since you don’t want answer, may I now reply you with few questions: Did she confess she forged the certificate? Did you read her letter to the President revealed to us by Chief Femi Adesina very well? Did she say there that she forged the certificate? If no, and you lawyers always want us to take a rebuttal as evidence in law, why did you continue to pin to her offence she did not commit? Or is her offence is that she never lived nor schooled in Nigeria or that she accepted the call to come home and serve?
Please in my own case, I need answers and I strongly demand them.
*Responses to Ubani end here
“Nigerians in the Diaspora are being encouraged to come back home and contribute their quotas to the development of Nigeria, using mere NYSC discharge certificate, that added no educational value to anyone’s qualification as a weapon against Adeosun, will surely discourage many more Nigerians in the Diaspora to come home,” Rotimi Williams Fadoju said.
LOCAL MUSING: The Glorification Of Paper Nonsense! – Frank Taylor
Kemi adeosun is out, yes! Then those of you joyous over her exit are the ones replacing her, isnt it? So, so little-minded! The woman shamed all of you! The onus is now on you all to man-up on your various hidden skeletons and do the honourable needful. Her decision to step down is the hallmark of a great mind and high octane dignity. Thats a woman who understands shame, … Understands the dignity in labour, … Understands the respect n sensibility for nation, … Understands the weight of family name n pride! By her action, she shamed the comity of men/women who see no life after government patronage n coverage, …. Afterall we have a comity of men/women in government n its corridors accused “fact or lies” of heinous crimes, but are so very afraid of own shadows n uncertainty of their tomorrow to even file for ordinary defamation … Not to talk of throwing in the towel! The family of kemi adeosun should forever be proud of her, …. Afterall, we’ve had finance ministers who never had “nysc service issues”, n were “harvard products turn harvard disasters” cos, they were conveyour belts for monumental frauds in this nation! That cant be said of this amiable lady who today wrote her name in gold! Her alma mater from cradle to finish would be proud of her! The comity of ram-rod straight charactered people world-over would be proud of her! Noteworthy, the loss isnt hers, but ours cos, she would be sucked into the system of the advanced world as weapon against the black economy! Just watch the advancement of this woman in the world that appreciates her skill, …. Thus leaving us in our crass paper glorification and vindictive nonsense!
LOCAL MUSING: (In the DNA of a Wailer!).
Two things you cant miss from the camp of those called “wailers”, …. Ethnic/tribal and religious jingoism! Case-study them, and you’d find out that, you cant be a wailer and not possess at least one of the two traits, …… They only use politics to express the venom they possess! Possessors of those two traits are the poison and plague of a nation.
*Frank Taylor lives in Lagos.
Kemi Adeosun my heroine – Moyosore Oyetunji
A sad but bold step by a woman of integrity, a victim of corrupt system by the corrupt ruiners of Nigeria. How I wish this never happened. Sooo pathetic!
“A dog’s disease is killing itself and saying it’s killing the dog”
Can someone tell the dumb heads dancing galala about Adeosun’s predicament that her case is an indictment of their heroes years of misrule? Yes, that’s one of the many rots in their misgovernance which we have put a stop to. Adeosun is a honorable woman and we, her fans didn’t cry witch hunt. Yours are dishonorable men and women.
She is my heroine. Integrity speaks.
Now, AbdulAziz AbdulAziz, the reporter of Adeosun NYSC certificate saga is their hero. Tomorrow when he reports any of them, he becomes their enemy.As for me, I commend the man because this is what is expected of a professional, irrespective of who the victim is. This is the change I voted for
*Moyosore Oyetunji is education administration in Lagos.
Olukemi Adeosun joined PMB at disadvantaged position – Abass Adetunji
Olukemi Adeosun joined the PMB’s administration at a disadvantaged position ; having a predecessor of Okonjo’s stature was not a kettle of fish. Okonjo Nweala, a globally aclaimed financial expert, had done her best for the economy, even when she operated in the murky waters of corruption- ladened administration of GEJ, her hands were not in too many pies.
Notwithstanding this demerit , Adeosun suffered, she was not intimidated and she immediately hit the ground running. She came almost after six months of the inception of the adminiatration, so time was of essence.
She came with some measure of experience, having had some tutelage as the commisioner of finance, under the Governor Ibikunle Amosun, in ogun, himself an internationally aclaimed financial expert, yet the tasks were herculan as they were tremendous.
It was perhaps the era of the greatest threats that our economy had ever suffered that she joined, what with the unprecedented dwindling fortunes occasioned by the massive fall in global oil prices which compounded our woes as a mono, oil- dependent – economy.
The turbulent oil market was unpredictable, so she instantly keyed- in into the government’ s programme of economic diversification, which yielded fruits and increased our non-oil revenue drive. She brought closer the CBN Governor and pronto, so much funds went into helping the farmers increase their productivity by way of the provision of soft loans and agricultural inputs.
Several farmers benefitted, she reviewed the revenue profile of the federal government intoto and saw that the bogus wage bill was a product of fraud, this she also addressed and more than twenty billion naira was saved on the monthly basis with many ghost workers taken off the pay roll. She was i instrumental to rescuing us from the dungeon of recession, a monster we had been pushed into by the many indiscretions of GEJ, whose government looted the revenues and the oil reserves, and left humongous debts for the nation.
Indeed, the government borrowed funds which were well utilised to yank us off the league of the recessive economies, another loophole she plugged was in the areas of the revenues from the NNPC and tax payment and remittances by the relevamt bodies.
She worked day and night almost to the breaking point and many had really feared for her life, knowing that at fifty- one she was not young any longer.
When the news of the NYSC exemption certificate scandal first came to light many were willing g to give her the benefit of doubts. Though, she eventually established her guilt, the whole nation has been in some form of mourning mood , in appreciation of the efforts she put into making the economy work.
While she appears guilty as alleged, the fact of her situation has made many folks to wish her the very best in all her endeavours! She is a woman of strong character and a blend of beauty and brilliance!
Thank you Olukemi Adeosun for doing the needful, we wait for Obla also to come out clean on the alleged forged WASC, and GEJ on his questionable PhD.
Is he a PhD ( Doctor of Philosophy) holder or a PhD ( Port Harcourt Diploma) holder?
Total puritanism is it!
*Abass Adetunji, a journalist, lives in the United States of America.
She admitted her error and resigned – Isaac Adewale Fabiyi
Kemi Adeosun has admitted her error and resigned. But many people castigating her today have one time or another got their drivers licences, affidavits, custom papers, etc by proxy too.
Will they be honourable enough to go and submit their licence and other documents for scrutiny as well?
Many people have gone though this wrong route before realising the errors and make correction.
My first drivers licence which I got several years ago was obtained through a third party at FRSC office. It was in the process of use that I was told what I got was fake. But I told them I got same from FRSC office though through a third party. Since then I have always been going through the process personally.
But I know many of our big men still carry such documents obtained by third parties. How genuine are those papers?
Its Kemi’s story today. Who is next? Tough lessons for all.
*Isaac Adewale Fabiyi, a real estate professional, lives in Lagos.
Sad day but hope her deceive go down too – Tunde
It’s a sad day but the right thing to do, I want to believe that she was deceived but with a woman of that Caliber she would have known that getting an NYSC cert. was not possible; if you didn’t check it was naive! If naive then the systemic corruption just took a good scalp! You were caught between a rock and a hard place when you put your trust in the person that made that certificate available; I hope they are going down too!
*Tunde wrote in The Guardian comment.
One of Nigeria’s best damaged – Sunday Ogo
I practically shed tears yesterday when I read Kemi Adeosun’s resignation letter. It was similar to when I lost my Mum in 2015. Nigeria got one of her very best damaged.
*Sunday Ogo posted on his Facebook wall.