TESTMASTER launches National Sec Sch Maths Competition in Lagos

By Busola Samuel
The TESTMASTER Educational Limited has formally launched its National Senior Secondary School Mathematics Competition, just as it unveils his technological solution to examination challenges called ‘Testmaster App’.

Speaking at a press conference held at the Ikeja, Lagos office of the company on Tuesday, to sensitize the Nigerian public about its 2019 National Mathematics TV Quiz Competition, Chief Operations Officer and co-founder of the company, Mr. Ofir Zukovsky, said “Testmater Education, an International company with a local Nigerian branch is comprised of foreign as well as indigenous educational experts with proven track record in developing and marketing successful techno-pedagogical solutions to millions of children/students worldwide.
He described ‘Testmaster technology’ as an Application that has come with error-free solution to mass failure in WAEC, NECO and JAMB examinations among children and students in Nigeria.
He added that, “TESTMASTER is a solution that allows every student in Nigeria access to top quality education, at a cost Anyone can afford! by providing easy accessvto the best digital private tutor on major subjects, all compliant with SSCE/JAMB curriculums, any time and on any digital device.”
Throwing more light on the mathematics competition, the Country Representative of the company, Mr. Paul Olatunde, unveiled at the press conference that 2019 national secondary school mathematics TV quiz show, tagged “Master of Math” is an annual national mathematics program that provides SS2 students in public and private schools the opportunity to compete in live TV show against and alongside their peers.
“Master of Math is not just another mathematics competition but one that inspires Nigerian students to greater achievements through experiencing the magic introduced by Testmaster. Furthermore, math teachers are being empowered with new digital ‘personal assistants’ which will improve their teaching skills”, he said.
He further explained the three stages of the competition, starting at the State level, through Regional up to National one. Advanced competition stages will be TV broadcast where exciting prizes (₦200,000 and a trophy for the winner, ₦150,000 and ₦100,000 for 2nd and 3rd places, respectively) shall be distributed. Top 3 students from each state at stage one will also receive cash prizes. In addition, expenses like transportation, accommodation and feeding will be paid by the organizers.
Furthermore, “teachers are not left out in this glamorous engagement as we would be giving cash prizes to mathematics teachers of all the winning students at state and national level,” he said.
Tunde Eso, Testmaster’s Media and Publicity Consultant, said the 2019 National Secondary School Mathematics TV Quiz show registration is open and that the online registration scratch card is available nationwide and can be obtained from any state representative and Nigerian Post office service.