Russian troops to hold first night rehearsal of Victory Parade on Moscow’s Red Square

The first night training of foot units and a mechanized column of the military parade will take place on Moscow’s Red Square on April 28, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Thursday.
The first night rehearsal of the military parade to celebrate the 77th anniversary of the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the 1941-1945 Great Patriotic War will begin at 10 p.m. Moscow time, the ministry said.

“The foot column comprises 33 parade units numbering over 10,000 personnel. The mechanized column will feature 131 weapon systems,” the ministry said in a statement.
The foot parade units will include officers, sergeants and soldiers of military units and formations of the Western Military District, cadets of military educational institutions, Suvorov infantry and Nakhimov naval military schools and cadet corps, Young Army Movement members and representatives of other ministries and agencies and the all-Russia Cossack Society, the ministry specified.
The second night rehearsal of the military parade will take place on Moscow’s Red Square on May 4 and a final rehearsal on May 7, it said.
The parade units and teams of the mechanized column have held 13 joint training sessions at the Alabino practice ground outside Moscow on a special site replicating Red Square.