QUICK ANALYSIS: Planting the 95,000 ‘seeds’ for 2023 Hajj

The gruelling patience endured by a farmer during farming can be related to Hajj operations in many ways. First, Hajj is performed once a year and an average farming output undergoes a year cycle before it can be harvested.

After cutting bushes and felling trees, the farmers will need to Cut large yam tubers into appropriate sizes, treat each set with a fungicide and allow them to air dry under shade before planting. Then you will need to Plant the yam sets 10 cm deep in the soil to avoid exposure to the sun. After then you continue watering the heap until you harvest.
In the same vein, Hajj is performed once a year but preparing for the hajj exercise takes a whole year with a series of activities outlined in the annual hajj events calendar. For hajj administrators and service providers to succeed, they must understand one important deciding factor – Hajj is Arafat and Arafat is Hajj and the date of Arafat DAY is unchangeable. You can postpone the world cup, delay a scheduled conference, adjust the date of an election or cancel a scheduled event – you can’t apply the same to hajj.
Therefore, processes that lead to the commencement of airlifts of pilgrims must be executed with a sense of precision – Pilgrims Registrations and documentation, contracting of services providers and inspecting their facilities, processing of pilgrims’ Basic Travelling allowance and timely distribution of the BTA to pilgrims. In Hajj operations, time is an enemy that must be defeated.
As for 2023 hajj preparations, NAHCON had placed an advertisement in Saudi-based Newspapers inviting Saudi-based hajj service providers -accommodation providers and caterers to apply to serve Nigeria hajj pilgrims in 2023.
A similar advertorial has been published in both online and national dailies in Nigeria urging Private Tour Operators, Airliners, and Excess luggage carriers to apply for 2023 hajj services. It was reported that NAHCON also held preparatory meetings with state Muslim pilgrims’ board executives and the leadership of the association of hajj and umrah operators AHUON.
With the few vital steps above, one can say the seeds are being planted early and I hope that we will be pragmatic in fertilizing the yam and weeding out unnecessary nazier grass that can prevent us from having a bumper harvest (a successful hajj) during the 2023 hajj.
On Wednesday, the Director General in charge of Hajj Missions at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, Bahauddeen bin Yusuf Alwani during a preparatory meeting for Hajj Season 1444AH via a video conference with the Chairman/CEO of NAHCON, Alhaji Zukrullah Kunle Hassan gave a vital hint that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will restore Nigeria pre covid 19 slots – impliedly means that Nigeria will have its usual 95,000 hajj slots.
This announcement is pleasing to the ears of hajj stakeholders and 2023 intending hajj pilgrims from Nigeria. It is good news.
However, I am reserving my joy till the Saudi Ministry of Hajj officially communicated to NAHCON and expressly allocates 95,000 hajj seats to Nigeria for the 2023 hajj. Yes. There is a need for us to be cautiously optimistic because the ghost of 5,000 distributed but unavailable hajj seats during the 2022 hajj and the attendant operational confusion it generates lives in my mind.
Till then, we can begin to plant the 95,000 hajj seeds by allocating 60 per cent of the promised allocation to States Muslims Pilgrims Welfare Boards. More enlightenment on the removal of age barriers is needed because most potential pilgrims still believe in the hajj 2022 policy of 65 years and below.
NAHCON needs to regulate the minimum deposits that pilgrims must pay to States’ Muslim Pilgrims Welfare boards. There should be a national uniform benchmark. A situation where each state announced different minimum deposits creates confusion in the minds of intending pilgrims. Either N2.5 or N2 million for all states pending the official announcement of the hajj fare.
Other guidelines released for the 2023 Hajj by the Ministry as contained in a release by NAHCON included the removal of the age barrier or limit and cancellation of PCR Tests for the Hajj.
The Ministry has also granted the Commission the Right of choice of package for pilgrim’s services from the Mutawwiffs of African Non-Arab countries, the company responsible for the Tent, Feeding and Transportation arrangements at the Mashair.
NAHCON should approach this newfound service contractual protocols with strict policies and allow the process to be an all-inclusive approach. States Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Boards, Private hajj operators should be part of the team to select the choice packages. The protocols of contracting services offered by mutawwif are fundamental and will go a long way in monitoring service delivery, especially within mashair.
It is commendable that NAHCON succeeded in facilitating refunds for the poor services experienced during the 2022 hajj, but the Saudi-based hajj services providers should be told that Nigerian pilgrims paid for a commensurate service – for them to be able to perform their spiritual obligations in a lively mood and not to be refunded for unrendered services. I will repeat this message at the appropriate time.
As stated by the Chairman of NAHCON, Alhaji Zikrullah Kunle Hassan, “it is heartwarming that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Ministry of Hajj has restored the hope and confidence of many prospective Nigerian pilgrims that desired to perform the Hajj this year.
It said that “Success always comes when preparation meets opportunity’ Success stands on the side of those who have made thorough preparation because for every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. It gives a lot of self-confidence and the energy to face any unexpected challenges that may erupt suddenly. Even after a lot of preparation, we may be needed to face unforeseen circumstances; So, it is better to be fully prepared with all tools, mindset and courage if we desire a hitch-free hajj exercise in 2023.
Prelude to Wednesday’s virtual preparatory meeting and as part of 2023 Hajj preparations, The President of the Saudi General Authority of Civil Authority GACA General Abdulaziz A. Duailej, visited Nigeria recently.
The Saudi civil aviation Boss said the Kingdom recognized the importance of early planning and gave hints that the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah have concluded plans to make known all modalities for the 2023 pilgrimage season ahead of time to give participating countries a minimum of five months to prepare. Now that preparations have begun.
May Almighty Allah make 2023 hajj a success and may we be among those to be counted as 2023 hajj pilgrims, Ameen.
*Ibrahim Muhammed is National Coordinator, Independent Hajj Reporters.