PHOTOS: Rumour peddlers return with yet another shame as President Buhari appears live, healthy receiving briefing on COVID-19 Saturday

Sad that some elements within the Nigerian society still have the untrembled hearts to be unserious with the fight against the dangerous foreign imported disease, Coronavirus codenamed, COVID-19, as they, rather than cooperate with the government of President Muhammadu Buhari, have committed themselves working counter-focus.
This they do choosing to misinform the the public about the situation of things with fake news and other dangerous rumour centred mainly on wishing the President, his family members and entire government officials test positive of the dreaded disease.

One particular Nigerian, a woman of Oyo State origin, had hit the internet with a fake news that President Buhari’s second coronavirus test returned positive on Thursday morning, an information, built upon by users of broken fake news in the country, that was further expanded to mean that the President had been on ventilator or flown out of Abuja, the seat of government of Nigeria.
“An apparently educated Nigerian gave me tough time Saturday trying to educate him how not to just believe in any news found on the internet especially those posted on android by an app called ‘opra’. He told me how such report was sent confirming that Buhari finally tested positive and he showed me the report that referred to Channelstv as releasing the video.
“Our friend was taken down when I told him that what he was showing me did not prove anything but only told us that Channelstv released the video and that Channelstv could come tomorrow and say it did not release such video. He promised to download the video and send it to me but up till this time you are talking to me, I have not seen what he promised being sent,” a respondent told The DEFENDER Saturday.
Coming as a natural neutralisation of the rumour which appeared to have gone viral, a lie allowed by members of the public to spread faster than truth, President Muhammadu Buhari appeared live when he received people that have worked with him in tackling the unanticipated health issue that our investigations have revealed to be as a result of supremacy struggle between the United States of America and China.
We also found out that, while the elements taking joy in spreading bad news against Nigeria saying the government does nothing in terms of performance at stopping the problem, World Health Organisation (WHO) and other important stakeholders in the global arena have continued to appreciate the response of the country, which has only one death as against news of huge number of coronavirus deaths coming from mighty nations.