(Posted on his Facebook page on 12 August 2017)
Odia Ogbebor is a human physiologist by profession, a rabbi/pastor, the visioneer of Jesus visits the sick and needy( JV-SAN), the founder of a local networking business called young wealth. He is driven with the passion of problem solving in any sector of the world his mind can perceive.
People who still believe that what the South or Niger Deltans need is 100% resource control are simply ill-informed or deliberate decievers. They claim that Most of the oil wells are owned by the Northerners. This is an Outright lie. 88% of the Oil wells are owned by Multinationals. And the remaining % are shared between individuals both from the North and South. I have said it before and I repeat again, those who call for 100% resource control are only thinking about themselves trying to feed their greed and cover their corrupt tracks. They do not seek for such because of the people they represent or claim to fight for. They keep deceiving their people claiming that the reason why they are not benefitting as much as they wanted is because the Wells are owned and controlled by the Northern leaders. And these ignorant people who prefer to be fed like babies will accept the lie without questioning.

Let’s assume its true. What have they done with the little given to them? I mean the governors, local authorities and every federal representative from their region. Have they been faithful with the perceived little given to them? How can they then be faithful in much? They are liars. They only seek for more control so as to steal more and destroy their people.
If you pick a Northerner and a Southerner to do a business for you, if you are truthful, you would agree that the Northerner will be more honest with you than the southerner. The Northerners are less materialistic than us. How can we then falsely blame them for the atrocities committed by own own southern leaders? Even some Northerners amongst their masses do not see how they benefit from the so called oil owned by their leaders. But yet their leaders still try to build their environment even if they are slow in the human development of their people.
Let us all stop been fooled. What we truly need is resource management. And it could be possible when we have the leaders with the right mentality to make it happen. The people have to become aware of how their various states and local government allocations are been spent. There should be a thorough accountability. If the people fail to identify the true enemy, they will remain slaves to those who have indoctrinated them with false beliefs.