Pastor Abayomi Obabolujo’s Law of CAMA – Part 3

Matthew 16:18…..I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.. the scriptures can’t be broken.

1000 adjustments to CAMA can’t prevail against the true church of Christ. It might however prevail against the ‘churches’ of men- institutions established to enrich men under the guise of Christ.. To me, there is nothing to fear.
If they appointed a non-christian to coordinate the affairs of your church, if the non-believer does not eventually surrender to the Lordship of Christ and become saved, then there’s no God in that gathering..
The new CAMA will…
1. Produce the true church of Christ as against the churches of men that litter our streets.. no CAMA can take away Christ as the Head of the church. CAMA can take away the men who see themselves as the founders and lords, if so, let it be. The church, established by Christ has nothing to fear.

2. Produce massive salvation and harvest of souls of high profile men and women into the kingdom..these people will walk with their legs into the church to take over but will be knocked down by the Holy Ghost. It is said in my village that ‘it is not told a child not to contact leprosy so long as the child is ready to stay alone, isolated in the bush’.. There has never been a move of God that will seem right in the eyes of those who are carnal in the service of God. God is about to move… Just note this!
3. This will lead the churches to their knees and not the ceremonies that daily occur in churches of today. The churches of today are places where you wear new dresses to, just to let them know you have arrived; drive a new car to, just to show off; share testimonies only to brag; attend just for association and business contacts. Some can’t leave some churches because even when they are dissatisfied, all because they know they stand to lose some connections, opportunities and advantages. Do you know that some highly placed Christians will not render assistance to another christian just because you are not a member of their church? The spiritual status of churches are bound to change.
Write these down, I see a great change coming! Good morning.
If the CAMA is discontinued, so be it and if it is sustained, to God be the GLORY!