Pastor Abayomi Obabolujo’s Law of CAMA – Part 2

I once lived in the North and only escaped death because as I can conclude, it was not just my time. I know the attacks against Christians. Yes, I know. I know that if some people in government today is allowed, they will make Nigeria, a one-religion state. Yes I know.

My highly respected Egbon and mentor pointed my attention to the fact that no Christian has been Nigeria’s CAC D.G for over thirty years and the only one that would have been was removed before the due date. I know. I know of whatever agenda to take over. I know that with this CAMA, they can just crop up charges, dissolve the board of trustees and appoint a babalawo to head the board of trustess of a church. I know but let me tell you my views for which reason I did that previous post.
1. The church as currently constituted does not represent Christ but self. The churches of today represent men who are the founders. They go by different names…
The church of Christ is beyond what can ever be registered with CAC. Those registrations with CAC are family businesses.. check their board of trustees…husband, wife, kids and may be one or two external fellow. Check the hierarchy and see the one being prepared to take over from the current… What are we seeing? Their kids or wife.
In these churches, Pastors are treated as servants and not co-labourers with G.Os. Some can’t even talk to the G.Os without kneeling down. These are not Jesus’ church but individual ideas and businesses. For example, why must all your children, their wives or husbands work in your ministry? Are there no bank jobs or medicine or media that you can even influence as a Pastor for them?
Please read on.
2. The church of Jesus is not that incorporated body o but individuals, living like Christ without a CAC certificate as backup but the blood of Jesus and Mark on them with God backing them up. Why must we continue in the proliferation of churches without commensurate impacts in our society? Christians are caught as corrupt officers in high places.. Nigeria has buildings called church. That’s just the gospel truth.
3. The Church of today keeps accumulating needless assets for whose glory? They buy warehouses and factories turned to auditorium and call it the church age. When antichrist is coming to inherit all? The shepherds of today leave the lives of the people uncatered for, we have hungry people worshipping in mansions called church only to return to shanties. You tell people to believe in God only to collect their money to build mansions and buy cars and jets for the pleasures of you and your family? Established schools with people’s money and price it out of their reach? Wicked! Do you know that today’s Pastors go to get bank loan to buy building for worship? Abomination of the highest level! Churches will easily access loans from banks faster than business men and women.. that is how bad things are.
If your ways are right with God, He will make your enemies to be at peace with you.
God to my mind is using these people in government today to bring the ‘church’ back to its senses.
In summary… you can quote me anywhere. The purging is just starting.
The right standing church will stand, the self serving one’s shall be taken over. When a Babalawo as the church BoT chairman enters church on Sunday morning in his full regalia, people will scatter.
The right standing ministers of God who are doing it for God will remain in ministry, the charlatans shall look for businesses to do.
A registered body under the CAC is not the church. No one can fight the Church of Christ and survive it!
I come in PEACE!