Pastor Abayomi Obabolujo’s Law of CAMA – Part 1

You have churches overseas where you fly in your private jets to preach. In those nations, you obey their laws. You never rose against the laws that regulate your spendings. When you flout the rules, they even appoint a small pikin who doesn’t believe in your God to oversee your collections and spendings, you did not object. You didn’t say those nations are fighting God.

But now in Nigeria, where the new CAMA is trying to bring civilisation and probity to money that you collect from the people, you said it is a law against God.. which God are you talking about? Is the God in US and UK where you and your churches obey laws and where your spendings are regulated different from the God in Nigeria?
Nigerian churches engage in businesses to make profit and yet will not pay tax because they hide under church. But they make profit?
Don’t be decieved. The Church that is the bride of Jesus, that Jesus is coming for are not those incorporated institutions but you and me.
If you incorporated your institution, whether it is a church or not, the government that issued you certificate of incorporation has rule over you.
If you don’t obey, you are not following Christ.
If you don’t want government to regulate you…operate like Jesus and the Apostles after Him.
1. Don’t do any incorporation.. in other words, remove the name and logo.
2. Don’t own assets. Distribute all your money to your members.
3. Don’t operate a bank account. Distribute the money you collect among the members and go empty.
There’s nothing to fight in the new CAMA. It is meant to stop churches being operated as business centers…
Nobody can fight against the CHURCH of God. Your conscience is what is fighting you.