OPEN LETTER: Admonition to Prince Henry Adeyeye over his desperation, contentious and obnoxious intentions to become the Iralepo of Isinkan Land

Self Introduction
My name is Prince Francis Bankole Adeuyi, one of the first six Aspirants that showed interest and contested for the vacant stool of Iralepo of Isikan kingdom shortly after the demise of Late Oba Joseph Olu Ojo.
It was quite unfortunate that throughout the period that we were holding series of meetings both with the Omowas and all Isikan Chiefs, you didn’t show appearance, despite the fact that you were in town, except when you hosted the meeting of the Omowas.

Unfortunately, I had an engagement outside the state that day. That would have given me the opportunity of meeting and knowing you in person.
My dear Prince Henry Adeyeye, kindly pardon me with the use of words in this my lengthy write up of admonition and encouragement to you.
This message is written purely in fairness, openness and without scunner or bias against you.
I will strongly enjoin you to heed my brotherly advice with maturity.
My dear Prince Henry Gbenga Adeyeye, without prejudice or mincing words, I will strongly advise that you go to well respected elders in Isikan and Akure, who will tell you nothing but honest truth, about the origin/source, of Isikan kingdom; how Isikan came into existence and being; how Isikan came to her present place of abode.
And the deep relationship and co-existence between Isikan and Akure for ages.
Ancient history of Isikan
Few months ago, I dug into the history of Isikan and I wrote succinctly from 16th century till date.
I will enjoin you to grab a copy and read over and over. If you need a copy, I will get you one.
Having gotten genuine answers to above questions, that may now give you deeper insights, knowledge and understanding about the course and position you are desperately fighting and clamouring for at all cost.
Whether you are morally justified for all you have been doing since the race to choosing a rightful Prince/candidate to occupy the vacant stool of Iralepo of Isikan kingdom started in March 2021, shortly after the demise of Late Oba Joseph Olu Ojo.
Prince Henry Adeyeye, had it been you moved closer and intimated your self with the first five(5) Aspirants who showed intention to run/vie for that vacant position, you would have understood better.
The five (5) of us had the same slogan and always sang the same song that, “this race is not a do or die affair, that whoever emerges as the rightful candidate, we shall all embrace and give him our maximum support” especially myself and Prince Dare Adeoye. We never saw it as a position worth dying for, just as you are doing presently. It isn’t worth it my brother.
If actually you are divinely destined to become a king/traditional ruler in life, definitely you are still going to be.
{Ohun owo mi o to, maa fi gon gon fa}
My dear Prince Henry Gbenga Adeyeye, I wouldn’t have bothered to send this words of admonition to you, if not because of those encomium, flattery words and unceremonious recognition accorded you on Saturday 27/11/2021 at the Late Gen. Wale Glorious-50-year memorial anniversary here in Akure.
In that gathering, you were addressed and recognised as High Chief Iralepo of Isikan.
You have forgotten that we can’t have two kings in a Palace. Besides, Iralepo is a recognised Oba and not an ordinary High Chief.
Yoruba adage says: {Ti a ba so abebe s’oke lai moye igba, Ibi pelebe ni yio fi ba’le} meaning- “If we throw our local or traditional fan into the air several times, the flat side will always be on the floor”
I believe you understand the meaning of that proverb.
Communique to erstwhile screening/selection committee
Shortly after the erstwhile screening committee was constituted, many of us kicked against the composition of few of its members.
We even agitated for the dissolution of the committee because THREE OF ITS MEMBERS were found to be gullible, greedy, selfish and also of questionable characters.
The truth of it is that, these three men misled and also pushed you to where you are today.
You ignorantly took to their counsel without studying who they are. They pushed and led you to a wrongful path of no return.
These same three men did same to me and few other aspirants. But we ignored and dismissed all their devilish enterprise.
It was quite so unfortunate that you fell into their net and became their prey.
The primary intention of one of them was to do exactly what he did to them in Isolo to us again in Isikan BUT we unanimously kicked and dismissed his selfish intention.
We honestly told him that, here in Isikan we have a CROWNED OBA IN ISIKAN and NOT High Chief Iralepo of Isikan with ordinary CAP.
My dear Prince Adeyeye, that is where you got it wrong and also missed it.
{OBA KIN NGBA IDOBALE OBA. It’s a taboo. Ee wo nii oo}
Resolution from aspirants
My dear Prince Adeyeye, one of the first mistakes you made was that, like I said earlier, you chose and decided not to associate or rub minds with the other aspirants.
In the meeting held by the first six (6) aspirants we made about eight (8) paragraph resolutions which we passed to the screening committee to work on and implement.
The five (5) aspirants who were present signed it and forwarded yours to you to append your signature because we learnt you weren’t in the country then. You ignored it. I wouldn’t know if you will sign it tomorrow.
The screening committee likewise didn’t act on that resolution passed to them because of the evil agenda of those three men.
Below are the mistakes made by Prince Henry Gbenga Adeyeye
i) He didn’t have good rapport with the Omowas and other aspirants, the few he associated with are greedy, sycophants and termites;
ii) He didn’t study the character of these three (3) members of the screening committee who he had chosen as his confidants and spokesmen.
iii) He didn’t have home based networking. He kept on parading himself, squandering money and rubbing minds with the Deji’s Palace boys and Akure High chiefs.
iv) Prince Henry Adeyeye didn’t study the traditional history of Isikan. Had it been he did, he wouldn’t have been misled by these three(3) men in question.
v) Prince Henry Adeyeye didn’t know that, it has never been heard or recorded in the history of Isikan that the Deji of Akure installed or crowned any of the 37-reigned Oba Iralepo of Isikan. It’s an abomination, Isikan is autonomous, a unique domain on her own.
Iralepo has her own 13-High Chiefs and Deji also has his own chiefs.
Selection and installation process had come and gone
My dear, Prince Henry Adeyeye, I will advise you to stop being deceived by sycophants and greedy set of people in Akure and Isikan kingdoms.
Let’s join hands together for the progress, unity and development of Isikan kingdom, so as to get all our benefits from the government of Ondo state.
All of us that contested for the vacant stool of Iralepo are now in unison and one accord with our newly installed/ chosen Iralepo except your very self, who’s still parading himself as High chief Iralepo of Akure/Isikan which can or will never be possible till the second coming of Jesus Christ.
My unflinching support for Oba Olugbenga Ojo, the Iralepo of Isikan Land
Prince Adeyeye, let me remind you that, of all the nine (9-contestants) I am the oldest with wealth of experiences both here in Nigeria and abroad for many years.
I personally agreed and supported the final selection and installation of Prince Gbenga Ojo, as our new Oba of Isikan kingdom. It’s my prayer that may His Majesty-Oba Olugbenga Ojo- Arulewolasi iii, reign longer than his ancestors on the throne IJN.
My dear Prince Henry Adeyeye, I will enjoin you to come back home. We have forgotten and forgiven all your past wrong deeds and welcome you back with open arms.
Your case will be treated as a close and forgotten issues. Togetherness now we are in Isikan all the Omowas.
Prince Henry Adeyeye, I will strongly advise you not to mingle or associate intimately again with these three (3) Omowas who misled you.
Up till this moment, these three (3) Omowas haven’t shown their faces or appearances in the gathering of Omowa Iralepo.
Says our elder “The work of evil over good is temporary”.
“He that comes to equity must come with clean hands”.
That’s the case of those three (3) men who led you to Deji’s Palace to be installed as High chief Iralepo of Isikan.
We are all optimistic that we shall be victorious and triumph over our pending court case IJN.
My dear Prince Henry Adeyeye, I pray that you will receive divine touch of the Holy Spirit IJN.
Stay blessed.
Prince F.B. Adeuyi.