Occultists claim refused registration as association, reportedly drag CAC to court in Enugu

Some magic power or occultism practitioners otherwise called native doctors in Nigeria, as part of their effort to seek recognition as a religion covered by the Constitution, said they have applied for registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
They applied to be registered as Traditional Religious Practitioners’ Association (TRPA) but complained that their application was turned down by the CAC leading to them dragging the Commission to the Federal High Court in Enugu for its refusal to register them as a religious body such as the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).

The DEFENDER reports that the occultism practitioners were making reference to CAN and CAN and NSCIA, although Christianity and Islam they seek to lead do not need government approval to exist as their God-given evidences of Bible and Qur’an have sufficed them, which the occultists do not possess.