My problem with ChannelsTV reportage, by Prince Ade

You allowed some people in two villages of Benue (or which state broadcast during News at 10 Sunday) to say: “They kill our CHRISTIAN people in Benue, Sokoto, Zamfara, Taraba and Plateau.” And you allowed them to carry banners on which it is boldly written, stopp killing CHRISTIANS.
That is good. Christians’ blood and lives are sacred just like the blood and lives of Muslims should have been seen also by same ChannelsTV as sacred and therefore that taking same is sin against Allah, which is even greater than sin against humanity.

Who are the killers of CHRISTIANS here?
Obviously the broadcast was not LIVE but an edited one. For ChannelsTV to have come out with that final production, it means it has interest in it which is good and, of course there is no professional blunder in having such interest.
But, why did the TV station fail to balance by asking those carefully selected villagers they gave such a loud voice that: “You say they are killing your Christian people in Sokoto, Taraba, Zamfara. Does it mean also that those 32 people killed recently in Sokoto were actually Christians?”
ChannelsTV failed to do this patriotic journalism yet they are the BEST Television Station of the Year and that is exactly their deliberate EVIL towards the Unity of Nigeria. If they want to sue me, I am ready for them and it will be the first time we will be getting it right telling the same court to give verdict why the media should stop killing Nigerian Nation in the name of the unprofessional (they call professional) broadcasting or even print journalism and claim of Freedom of Press.
Nigeria is the nation with Most Freedom for the Press particularly currently, yet, instead of exploiting that to be part of peace and development in their country these ones have chosen to destroy the country further. It is also the reason foreign media have left them to it as if to say that, “if you want to destroy your own country, do it by yourself, don’t join us in it.” That is what is happening. And they never saw the rationale behind that and they are happily carrying their biased reportage to town and some of the unsuspecting citizens are even still staying glued to them to the extent that they destroy their own government giving hype to those looters who are fighting back with intent to restore the old order of corruption and impunity in the land. Why?
Going further, can any Nigerian point to one day the ChannelsTV has reported any of the atrocities perpetrated against Muslims particularly in Taraba, Sokoto, Zamfara, South West particularly in public institutions like the 12 years old girl given 43 strokes of cane by a supposed SU principal who claimed she saw her in the street wearing hijab over her school uniform? Can any Nigerian point to where ChannelsTV and any Nigerian media except Osun DEFENDER, and that was after much pressures by us, reported the Faked Boko Haram attack on a Baptist Church in Olaoluwa LG Osun State in attempt by Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) to impress it on Nigerians to vindicate themselves over their earlier claim that Governor Rauf Aregbesola was planning to import Boko Haram to Osun just because the governor allowed all regions to practice without molestation? That attack was actually sponsored by Pastor of that church and Chairman of CAN in the Olaoluwa LG but no media reported it despite that the reporters were filed. We had to do the pressure on Facebook. Yet many of the media carrying their stories albeit fake that they publish today are carrying it from social media (Facebook and Twitter). What manner of journalism has Nigerian Media turned to practice?! Yet all of those atrocities have known sponsors in Christian Association of Nigeria.
Can ChannelsTV tell Nigerians why, like others, it always hyped (news, interviews, other programmes) the killings in Benue but failed to even report the arrested killers and how the Nigerian Police Force is prosecuting those killers now in Benue State court?
Can ChannelsTV tell Nigerians why, like other, it profoundly hyped the killings in Barkin Ladi, Plateau and hyped the Fake News broken against the Miyetti Allah taking responsibility for the killings but failed to even mention when the lies of the Fake News was revealed? Yet ChannelsTV was aware that, that Fake News led to the waylaying and killing of Muslim travellers on Jos roads by Christian Berons who claimed they were taking revenge for the killing of their Christian people? ChannelsTV has hyped claiming AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL (known to be a compromised NGO) report putting over 2,000 (Christians) killed in six months. Who should Zamfara, Taraba, Sokoto Muslims kill now for the horrible killing of their loved ones in their prime in thoseo areas if they want to be the like the Christians who are buying the ChannelsTV’s broadcast senselessness making worsened our national security? Both those Sokoto, Taraba, Zamfara people never did that as they have since buried their dead and have left the rest to Allah and continued with their struggle for cooperating with the Federal Government and Security Forces in efforts to wards making Nigeria better. Away from that, ChannelsTV intention appears to deliberately make Nigeria ungovernable and this TV station wants the world to believe it is practicing journalism for the good of Nigeria. How do you do such high level of hypocrisy against your own nation and people because you just choose to hate Islam, Muslims, Hausa/Fulani? What justification?!
Ever since the Sultan of Sokoto Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, has started achieving success in his Nigerians Unite programme particularly for Muslims in getting their religion practice right and Muslim/Christian harmony in living peacefully together, ChannelsTV has never found a space in its programme to tell Nigerians what the Sultan is doing. So much that despite that its reporter and cameraman are always in attendance at Sultan’s declaration of new moon for commencement or ending of Ramadan fasting, ChannelsTV never reported to the Nigerian Muslims the Muslim New Moon Sighting.
This just concluded new moon of Shawwal, ChannelsTV, to the disgust of many Nigerian Muslims, tactically refused to see the tracking of the Sultan’s Declaration of New Moon held at the Palace in Sokoto and fully covered by its correspondent for the last Eid-el-Fitri celebration but went to Zamfara to report that night “Ten killed in two Zamfara villages”. It ended there. What that meant was that, ChannelsTV would always choose to carry bad news especially it that would lead to killing the joy of Muslims on their happy day.
This is always what they do in the political realm. ChannelsTV is doing great hell of damages to the Nigerian National but some Nigerians are still celebrating it as BEST television. And when these evils are pointed out to them those celebrating it say “As private business they can do anything they wish to do to earn their money.” I just hope that these same people would have accepted to eat their words over their worst such allegations against MITV when they saw it was owned by a Muslim as serious Alhaji Gbadeyanka and they started calling it “Islamic TV” as if Islamic TV is a bad idea. Yet ChannelsTV activities are already getting us out of patience and our political leaders are not saying anything for fear of what?
Only few days ago some media organisations in Nigeria rose against a Bill (effort) being made to make Nigerian Media represent true journalism calling that Bill anti-media. Yet, these media organisations and practitioners, who are always the first to complain when things are getting bad in terms of killings, economic damages etc most caused by misrepresentations by media and which the evil people work with, have failed to tell us which law in the world permits any media endeavour to destroy its country of practice in the name of freedom of press.
Why this last question is left in the hanging awaiting answer, I am calling on Nigerians, entirely, regardless of religious, ethnic and political leanings to rise up to the challenge by calling ChannelsTV to order or we hand the situation to Allah to handle ChannelsTV by Himself.
ChannelsTV would tel the Muslims it does not have space for Islamic programme yet it has space for Christian Church services on TV. When it wants to destroy the Muslim Ummah further, it will bring a supposed Muslim who is nominal together with serious and knowledgeable like Prof. Ishaq Akintola on set and ask each of them question bothering on Islam. The evil in that? ChannelsTV deliberately will shut Akintola down and allow the no-nothing Muslim to talk about Islam and on that note it will end the programme.
This media evil has been going on for a long time by ChannelsTV that no Nigerian even Muslim is talking about yet they are complaining underground. If Bishop Mattew Kukah could have believed that “Conspiracy of Silence” is deadlier, then I call on all Nigerians including Christians who would see the truth and sincerity in my ventilated concerns here against seeing it as being a biased person, to come together against this evil by ChannelsTV. It used to be PUNCH Newspaper but ChannelsTV has joined the league and, in my findings, ChannelsTV’s anti-Islam/North broadcasting direction is now worst to express its pain that a South-Southerner in Goodluck Ebele Jonathan lost election to Hausa/Fulani of Northern Nigeria as President. My findings further revealed that most of the Nigerian Media seep to on this same page with ChannelsTV most of the times they take their news contents from monitoring of the kind of things they report on their television set. BUT THE TIME OF DECISION IS NO LONGER DISTANT.
*This was picked from the Facebook wall of Prince Ade, a social media activist.