Military warns Amnesty International against meddling into Nigeria’s security issues

“This could be corroborated by inherent lopsidedness in the AI’s portrayal of Nigeria, its involvement in local politics and taking side with terrorists and other belligerent groups to cause internal disorder, which no country can tolerate.”
The Nigerian military has warned International Non-Governmental Organisations operating in Nigeria, such as Amnesty International (AI) to desist from meddling into security issues in the country.
A statement on Monday from Defence Director of Information (DDI), Brigadier General Rabe Abubakar, said the activity of AI in Nigeria was inimical to national security and cohesion.

General Abubakar added that, “This could be corroborated by inherent lopsidedness in the AI’s portrayal of Nigeria, its involvement in local politics and taking side with terrorists and other belligerent groups to cause internal disorder, which no country can tolerate.”
The military spokesman pointed out that for AI to be making spurious allegation, especially without substantiated and cogent reason, apart from those adduced by the AI itself is disturbing and unethical of an international organisation.
He said the incessant negative report on Nigeria in general and the Armed Forces in particular by AI was condemnable.
He noted that, “Al has negative mission in Nigeria. It is an agent of destabilisation, masquerading as a reputable international NGO which Nigerians must rise up to this daunting challenge of not giving AI the chance to truncate our hard earned democracy and unity.”
“It is our conviction that, despite AI fanning the ember of disunity, hate and destabilisation in our land, Nigeria would continue to remain united, strong and prosperous to take her rightful place in the comity of nations,” Abubakar stated.