McConnell says Biden is no Zelenskiy, prods U.S. President to ‘step up his game’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said President Biden looks weak compared with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who urged Congress on Wednesday to provide more military firepower for its fight against Russia.
“President Biden needs to step up his game right now before it’s too late,” Mr. McConnell told reporters. “I think comparing Zelenskiy to Biden is depressing. We’re not doing nearly enough quickly enough to help the Ukrainians.”

He also accused the administration of discouraging NATO countries near the border with Ukraine from taking more aggressive action.
“You get the impression that the Eastern European countries inside NATO are actually being discouraged from doing as much as they could by our own administration,” the Kentucky Republican said.
Mr. McConnell said he’s still opposed to the U.S. enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine airspace, as Mr. Zelenskiy challenged the U.S. to do.
But he said there are “other ways to make the air dangerous for the Russians with all kinds of different weapons.”
“We need to get them everything they need to try to prevent carnage from the air,” Mr. McConnell said.
“A lot they’re doing with artillery. That’s a different issue. But I think Biden needs to step up his game.”
Source: The Washington Times