LAWMA MD advises Lagosians on refuse disposal

Lagosians have been advised on proper waste management.
Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) Managing Director Mr. Ola Oresanya gave the advice during a programme on Lagos Traffic Radio.
He urged residents to avoid throwing refuse on the streets or in the drains. But rather to put them in refuse bags to enable operators pick them.

He observed the relationship between traffic and improper refuse disposal, blaming those who improperly dispose their waste along major highways, medians or in public places.
He promised to implement the laws that make it compulsory for commercial bus drivers to have waste baskets in their buses to discourage commuters from throwing waste outside vehicles.
He maintained that if the roads were clean, people no matter their unclean habits would find it difficult to throw dirt into it, adding that when they find dirt everywhere, no matter how disciplined they are, they might be tempted to join the fray.
On the bad sanitation habit of some residents, especially around Mushin where refuse is dumped on the road and median, Oresanya said LAWMA has put some monitors to discourage residents from this anti-social behaviour.
He appealed to those who dump refuse in unauthorised areas to desist from it, warning that the agency would sanction defaulters.
He said: “We will intensity our effort to ensure people obey simple sanitation laws and be responsible in their actions. We intend to do door-to-door campaign in Mushin, so that people will have their containers in front of their houses for easy evacuation by the Private Sector Participant (PSP) operators. The challenge of waste evacuation is more pronounced in Mushin and it’s environ because majority of the residents refuse to provide their own trash cans. Apparently they are waiting for the local government or the law enforcement agencies to come and force them to do the right thing this is a challenge to having a cleaner Lagos.”
The LAWMA chief said it is compulsory for residents to register with the PSP operator close to them for efficient service.
He stressed that if waste is not properly managed, it would cause problems for others, adding that adequate and proper waste disposal is the responsibility of all. ‘’It’s compulsory to subscribe to the PSP in your community and you have a right to optimum service,’’ he added.
He said: “In any event, if a subscriber is not satisfied, he is free to make a case to us and he is entitled to good service. We will, no doubt, embark on more advocacy and enlightenment programmes. We will improve on what we have been doing with residents especially in our door to door interaction with residents.
“People who burn refuse are not solving any problems but are adding to it. Inhaling obnoxious fumes can cause respiratory problems in that particular community. Old Ota road that boasts of mountains of refuse will be looked into.
He regretted that the good work the PSP were doing at Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government Area, especially in Obawale, was sabotaged by cat pushers from Ogun State, who dump refuse on the border between the state and Ogun.
“Since they realise that we pick our refuse promptly, they come daily to dump refuse on the bridge and run away. But we are making arrangement to have the bridge policed to discourage their nefarious activities,’’ he said.
Oresanya said the agency was working on discouraging communal waste system, but encouraging the door-to-door step system, which makes people responsible for their waste.