LAI OSO: A wound too painful: A scar too deep

How does one compose a funeral dirge fit for the Choirmaster’s burial?

Our tribute here today is the result of days and nights of struggle to confront the stark reality and deep pain of the demise of one of the greatest communication scholars of all time. As members of Lai Oso’s extended global family, our hearts are still bleeding from the wound occasioned by the sudden loss.
No doubt, the gulf sized indelible scar left in the classrooms and newsrooms of media and communications will take a long time to begin the process approaching anything near healing. Not all scars heal; as the death of Lai is definitely one of such, not only because of its depth and width, but also because of its reach in the lives of many from virtually all walks of life, especially within and around the fields of journalism in all its manifestations
Death came in a very harsh and grievous manner to uproot a giant iroko tree in a forest of communication giants, leaving thousands grieving and mourning. Why? Why? Why? Why now? Not at this time when the communication classroom and industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation; when scholars and practitioners are currently swimming in uncharted waters trying to maintain sanity in the face of rapid and relentless evolution around Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
“If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are gone, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing” – Benjamin Franklin
Flowing from the quote above, one can authoritatively conclude that Lai Oso ticked both boxes excellently well. As professor of professors, Lai Oso initiated, edited, authored and inspired numerous articles, academic, technical and professional papers, journals, books, monographs and host of broadcast productions.
As a human being, he was the epitome of all that is positively humane, a carrier of attributes that separate man from beasts and other animals. He had an uncanny gift of being nice, humble, approachable, helpful, laced with insatiable appetite for philanthropy. While alive and even in death, the impression about him from friends, associates at all levels always revolve around gratitude and readiness to recall how the man had gone out of his way to render one assistance or the other. This was clearly evident in the avalanche of moving and mournful tributes from different corners of the world.
A common thread in most tributes revolves around, “We lost a father, a friend, a reliable associate, a cheerful giver, a committed mentor, a cerebral teacher, a genuine academic and a rich library of communication studies. Prof. Oso’s demise left for us a vacuum too wide to fill”
The life and times of Lai Oso as a teacher and a professor, taught us that teaching, mentoring, assessment and examination must have success as its goal. To him, there is always a lot of room for manoeuvre within rules, guidelines and the law. He believed firmly that there are different ability levels in every classroom situation from the primary school to PhD level; hence guidance and assessment must not be a “one size fits all” affair. Professor Lai Oso believed that a successful teacher must be the one who has produced many outstanding products at all levels, one who has encouraged, inspired, guided, mentored as many as possible, successfully. He detested the old fashioned fire-spitting failure-oriented teaching that leaves in its wake, dejected, discouraged, disgruntled students and supervisees as well as ruined lives and dashed hopes. Therefore, the best form of tribute or remembrance for this highly resourceful professor should centre on his philosophy in teaching and assessment.
As we gather here today, let us not mourn Prof. Lai Oso’s departure, but rather let us celebrate his life and the profound impact he had on each of us. Let us cherish the memories we shared, the lessons we learned, and the inspiration he provided while living among us. Lai’s legacy extends far beyond his lifetime. To the family and loved ones of Lai Oso, we extend our deepest condolences. We share in your grief and stand with you during this difficult time. Adieu, our dear friend, brother and associate. Your legacy will for ever live on, and your spirit will continue to inspire us. According to Irving Berlin, ‘The song is ended, but the melody lingers on’.
May your soul Rest in Perfect Peace.
*Adesina is Head of Department of Mass Communication
Crescent University, Abeokuta.