“These are the terrorist shelling of towns in Donbass, which has been going on for more than eight years. These are also acts of nuclear terrorism, I mean missile and artillery strikes on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant,” the Russian president listed.

The Kyiv regime has long been using terrorist tactics, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in connection with the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge.
“It is obvious that the instigators, organizers, and perpetrators of the terrorist attack (on the Crimean bridge) are the Ukrainian special services. The Kyiv regime has long used terrorist tactics,” the Russian president said on Monday, opening a meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council.
Kyiv’s crimes include the killing of public figures, journalists and scientists, “both in Ukraine and Russia.”
“These are the terrorist shelling of towns in Donbass, which has been going on for more than eight years. These are also acts of nuclear terrorism, I mean missile and artillery strikes on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant,” the Russian president listed.
Putin explained that he had already been informed of the first conclusions of the investigation into the sabotage of the Crimean bridge. “Data from forensic and other examinations, as well as operational information, show that the October 8 explosion is a terrorist act. A terrorist act aimed at destroying Russia’s critical civilian infrastructure,” he stated.
On Saturday morning, a truck exploded on the Crimean Bridge, collapsing two eastbound parts of its road section and subsequently setting ablaze a train of fuel tanks on a separate, adjacent rail portion of the bridge. Two spans of the automobile part of the bridge going towards the peninsula collapsed.