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Kano Emirate and surprises from alleged “Sarkin Gwandu’s letter to Sanusi II”

By JOGBODO OLU FULANI…contributing from Abuja


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“From the standpoint of this second opinion of mine, therefore, I want to urge the Gwandu Emirate Council to probe into that letter in order to get to the root of the matter to know whether, really, the letter is authentic or fabricated by some people who might have interest in using the stool of Emir of Gwandu to achieve their own personal interest or aim, especially, on the matter. Thank you.”


Sarkin Gwandu that is the Emir of Gwandu Emirate in Kebbi State, Major General Muhammad Ilyasu Bashar, CFR, mni, has written to congratulate the recently reinstated Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II as the 16th Emir of Kano five years after he had been ousted following issues explained by the then Governor of Kano State, Alhaji Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, as his lack of understanding of the functions of traditional ruler and being ardent activist on the throne.

His replacement, His Royal Highness Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, as the 15th Emir of Kano, had barely spent five years on the throne when he was ousted for no specified offence in broad day light with the new Governor, Abba Kabir Yusuf, hiding behind one finger of a legislative Bill that sought to dissolve the four new Emirates created ahead of Sanusi’s sack in 2019 and pave the way for the deposition of Ado Bayero, which was assented to, same day and the governor gave all the Emirs including Ado Bayero only 48 hours to pack their loads and baggages and evacuate themselves from the palaces.

Since the controversies, sparked by the new Kano State Emirate Law 2024 passed on Wednesday May 23, 2024 followed by executive assent same day and Sanusi’s reinstatement the following day of Friday May 24, things have not augured well for Kano and, by extension, the entire traditional institutions in Nigeria as many citizens see the action of the governor as one that seeks to destroy the sanctity of the revered monarchy not only in Kano but across country.

The governor and his aides have been talking, making frantic effort to give explanations that justify the action their government took but for a personality like Abba Kabir Yusuf who, it was gathered, is himself a royal blood, to do such thing has been viewed by the vast majority of the people as attempt to destroy a historical institution as much dignified and respected as Kano Emirate, it is something that many say have continue to baffle.

Due to the disagreements that people have with the action, there are cases in courts believed to be the reason the Northern Nigerian Traditional Rulers Council has not issued a statement on the matter. From our findings, many that spoke to us in Kano, who have wondered why monarchs of Northern Nigeria – known to always speak in one strong, powerful and highly influential voice – have not spoken to the matter, are of the view that they were tarrying a while to allow the courts exhaust the cases before them.

This excuse given is believed to be the reason for the silence on the part of Northern traditional rulers, which appears to be more tenable because those highly respected Emirs of the North, because they are mostly respected and very intelligent and exceptionally law-abiding professionals, would not want to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea with an act that is contempt of court. This being that a most grievous offence that anyone could commit in Nigeria, constitutionally, is to be charged for contempt of court. The Northern Nigerian traditional rulers, according to the Kano source, “surely would not want to be involved in that.”

He said, “So, to question while Northern Emirs are silent should not be an issue for now. You should know very well that traditional rulers are supposed to be above board, they are supposed to be fathers of all, regardless of religious beliefs, dialect, ethnic and political inclinations. Leave politicians to do their own things, when they finish, it is the place of traditional rulers as fathers to settle whatever rift between and among them. But where the same politicians are now destroying the very bed they will sleep in when the day closes, you need to allow the court decide and whatever the courts decide, surely, you will see the Northern traditional rulers speak.”

He said, “It was the same you (this reporter) that reported somebody saying that politicians should hands-off traditional institution affairs and let the royal family settle their own rift within themselves and only give government information of what they have resolved on, which must be enough for the politicians in government, who must not try to look deeper into the affairs they have no rights, customarily and traditionally, to interfere with. That is the way to go.”

When then asked about a letter written by the Emir of Gwandu, Major General Muhammad Ilyasu Bashar (Rtd), who is Chairman Kebbi State Emirate Council, congratulating Alhaji Muhammadu Sanusi II over what he described as his successful reinstatement as Emir of Kano, he said:

“First and foremost, let me confirm to you that it is true that the letter was written by the Sarkin Gwandu because it carries his signature. The question I would now ask you like I would also ask myself and the Emir, if I have the access to him, is: How did you come to the conclusion that led you to writing that letter? Initially, I denied that Emir of Gwandu would not do that but when I saw the letter, my hands fell, honestly.”

Why? He replied, “Look, this Kano matter is a very sensitive matter. One, the Emir of Gwandu is a retired Major General and the genesis and revelation, like the Bible people would say, the beginning and the end of discipline are resident in the military. If you now have a situation you can no longer trust a military man, serving or retired, in matter that is rubbing on the sanctity of royalty, trust and discipline, then there is fire on the mountain and every one of us must start to run, run and run.”

Why? He continued, “No matter what anyone says politically, the North especially their traditional institution speaks with one strong and influential voice and when that voice is sounded, it is bound to be respected, honoured and obeyed. And that voice is the one that comes from the mouth of the Sultan of Sokoto, who is equally the President General of the Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and Chairman National Traditional Rulers Council of Nigeria, His Eminence Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, who is equally a Commander of the Federal Republic (CFR), member of the national institute (mni) and Retired General like the Emir of Gwandu and who has strong bond binding him, traditionally, to the Sarkin Gwandu.

“I am saying this because, immediately I saw the letter on Monday before it got to the press that we now see on Tuesday and today, I have put calls across to find out from certain martaba (palaces) as to whether the Emir of Gwandu was the traditional leader selected to speak on behalf of others, the reply I got was no. If I have direct access to the Sultan, I would have also asked him but I trust and believe in my sources that Emir of Gwandu, His Royal Highness Retired Major General Muhammad Ilyasu Bashar, CFR, mni, by that letter I saw, which you too have shown to me now, only spoke for himself and not for Traditional Rulers of Northern Nigeria.

“This is my belief, too, and we should always believe and trust in our leaders who themselves should not at any time make themselves doubtful. I believe that after the courts have delivered their judgments, the Traditional Rulers of Northern Nigeria will speak and once they speak, the whole controversies will die down. But for now, I want you to go to bed with my word that Sarkin Gwandu spoke for himself with that letter not for the entire institution of Northern Nigerian monarchs.”

Much as he confirmed the letter by virtue of the fact of signature, the Kano source, however, defended the Kebbi State Emirate Council Chairman saying, “In my second opinion, I still believe that Emir of Gwandu cannot author or give approval for such letter understanding the that such circumstances happened in Gwandu in which Emir Haruna Jokolo was dethroned for him. And since these years he has been there on the Gwandu throne as Emir, he has been enjoying the privilege and court ruling what what he leveraged upon that stopped any other person from taking that position from him.

“From the standpoint of this second opinion of mine, therefore, I want to urge the Gwandu Emirate Council to probe into that letter in order to get to the root of the matter to know whether, really, the letter is authentic or fabricated by some people who might have interest in using the stool of Emir of Gwandu to achieve their own personal interest or aim, especially, on the matter. Thank you.”

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