By Crescent Radio
It was a glorious moment on Friday the 22nd of march 2024 as the National Coordinator of the Islamic Humanitarian Society of Nigeria, Mr Rasheed Okenla stood amid a loud cheers and wild admirations on the podium of the prestigious Crescent University’s auditorium in Abeokuta, Ogun State.

It was such a captivating moment as the world seemed to be on hold for Esteemed Islamic Dawah group was presented with the 2024 edition of Bola Ajibola Community Service Award for its humanitarian strives, as well as prison Dawah activities and hospital welfare support.
While the group’s citation was being read, the guests and students alike were left in no doubt as to why the Islamic group merited the highly reputed award.
It was revealed that the IHS was founded some 25 years ago and has been waxing stronger in its choosen sojourn of visiting ,engaging,supporting, bringing hope and spreading Dawah to inmates and bedridden across prisons and hospitals nationwide.
The Bola Ajibola Community Service Award is annual events that is packaged to mark the Cresent university’s founder’s Day, celebrate the life and achievements of the founder H.E, prince,Judge Jabar Bola Ajibola and recognition of the efforts of individuals and groups who have excelled like him in community service.
The major categories of the 2024 awards include: the orphan welfare and child care ethics,reading culture and education advocacy, entrepreneurship and leadership mentoring as well as da’wah and hospital welfare support under which the Islamic humanitarian society (IHS) was selected.
The event was graced by dignitaries and creme of the society including the former MD of GTbank Dr Mosun Bello-Olusoga who doubled as the Guest lecturer.
Also in attendance was His Royal Majesty, Prof. Saka Adelola Matemilola the Olowu of Owu Kingdom and HRH Oba Femi Ogunleye, the Towulade of Akiihale among others.