I weep for Sunday Igboho, by Aina Bamidele

Please and please, don’t be swayed by emotions and sentiments. A person who lives in a glass house does not throw stones.
Anybody who is close to Sunday Igboho should advise him to tred softly.

Let us go back to history, there was hardly any warrior, no matter how powerful he was, only one little thing would cause his down fall.
It’s also trite and wisdom dictates that all powerful and legendary figures do not boast of their powers. Empty barrels make the loudest noises.
Just flash back on some past prominent powerful and brave figures in Yoruba history, what was their end?
He who the gods want to destroy, he first goes dementia. The dog that will perish will not respect the whistle blow of the hunter. Gently! gently !! Sunday Omo Adeyemo.
All those who have led freedom struggles in the world history were usually people with no tainted records, questionable past. In fact, they used to stand before their people to say any person who has any evidence of their bad past should not hesitate to do so. It’s boldness and confidence like this that used to confer moral authority on them to lead the struggles and catapult them into heroes and idols.
Go and check the history of the Religions. All the Prophets and messiahs God used to send from one time or the other, God used to specially train them before they are commissioned to liberate the people. If God would ever use any person with a blemish records and dark past, it would always be someone who has undergone social and spiritual Reformation and has discarded with any past advantages and benefits that accrued to him from illegalities or suspicious transactions. He would be someone who has sought apology and obtained forgiveness from all those he has offended. He must have found ways of appeasing those that have died amongst those he has offended. Has Sunday Igboho done all these?
God is the Lord of retribution. He is oft forgiving and most merciful. There are laid down procedures to obtain forgiveness and this does not change. Only human beings can be fooled, you can’t decieve God.
There are hundreds of petitions, investigations and reports against Sunday Igboho. By the time all these reports are collated, you will see the dates in them, they dated back to year 2000. They are too dirty. You will read them and be shocked. Many of his boys have at one time or the other confessed. They will catalogue all the cases against him.
The number of bails in which he stood as surety to persons of criminal activities. It will shock you to know that most of the victims are Yoruba Omo Oodua both at home and in diaspora.
That past stinks to high heavens. Even, it has not stopped. I don’t know the sense in a freedom fighter acquiring more cars during struggles. You are buying those properties that will be impounded by the federal government when you suppose to be using the money to build and empower your followers. I don’t know who is advising him.
Let Sunday Igboho be watchful of his utterances. For now, there is hardly any group or section of Yoruba he has not offended. He has insulted , threatened and cursed Paramount rulers, heavy weight Politicians and Religious Leaders. Go and check, his interview on the death of Pastor Adeboye’s son has offended the sensibilities of all Redeem Christians throughout the world.
Do you think, Sunday Igboho with all his magical powers can defeat the whole Community? Do you think, he can defeat Nigeria Army? Honestly, they are not yet ready for him. If he is that powerful and varnishes in the air, have we not heard of such people in history ? What becomes their end. Abeg. Let us talk.
If he transgresses against the Nigerian Army, and they want to deal with him, can he disappear with his house and fleet of cars? Remember how Obasanjo dealt with people Odi in the south south.
I’m afraid Sunday Igboho will bisbehave to all his lovers and fans in the Diasporas. They are busy tracing and compiling all infidelity in financial transactions with the people of Diasporas. Some of them are beginning to loose interest.
Watch out, a magazine is coming out Sunday Igboho Exclusive. People will read, open their mouths and will not be able to close them by the time they see catalogue of atrocities that would be reeled out against him.
A word is enough for the wise.
*Aina Bamidele