How Crescent Varsity’s Mass Communication products, again, led in UNILAG 2019/2020 postgraduate exams

Record has again been updated as products of Crescent University Abeokuta Mass Communication excelled in 2019/2020 highly competitive postgraduate entrance examination of University of Lagos (UNILAG).
This is according to the results released by the University of Lagos authorities, Head of Department Mass Communication, Crescent University Abeokuta, Dr. Kola Adesina, said in a WhatsApp report sent to The DEFENDER on Monday.

The results of the examination which featured over 500 candidates from different universities in Nigeria held in July, 2019 showed that nine students from Department of Mass Communication, Crescent University, were among 78 candidates who scored 70 percent and above and recommended for admission by the Board of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos.
The nine students representing 11.5% of candidates were offered unconditional Full Time admission into 2019/2020 Master of Science (M.Sc) in Mass Communication.
Crescent University Abeokuta is an achievement that the founder and former Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Prince Bola Ajibola (SAN), describes as peak of his personal contributions producing future Nigerian leaders who will neither steal nor corruptly enrich themselves with the country’s resources.
In yet another good news coming from the university that is proudly citadel of moral and academic excellence, products of its Bola Ajibola College of Law (BACOLAW) have not only bagged first class in their first degree but also at the Nigerian Law School this year.
For these reasons, not only Prince Bola Ajibola (SAN) but any person or entity that has connection with him has now become the senoscious of the eyes that every great person and community wants to identify with.