HARD-FACT: Between the message of economy by Christ and style of Christian West

Posted on a religious WhatsApp platform, this article has been picked for our HARD-FACT page this mid-week because of the genuine points it raised considered for the benefits of not only Africans but religious world in general. Excerpts:
If, in Antioch, where the disciples were first called Christians (acts 2: 44/45), “all the believers met constantly and shared everything they had; sold their possessions and shared the proceed with the needy” (communism), so where exactly then did the Christian West get its economic madness/ideology of Capitalism (aka market forces, privatisation, government has no business in business, each man for himself, survival of the fittest, deregulation etc? Of course, like l`ve said over and over again, the whole of that economic contraption/ideology of Capitalism was ego-designed, ego- promoted and therefore unnatural, against commonsense and ungodly, contrary to EQUITABLE SHARING principle.
And come to think of it. They actually dismissed (as rubbish and impracticable) that spiritual wisdom/principle in Antioch, in order to (egocentrically) heartlessly dominate, brutalise, exploit and pauperise peoples across the whole world (particularly, the area named as Africa today) for some two thousand years now, even while (at the same time) purportedly `propagating` Christ`s message of “love thy neighbour as yourself”. And one begins to wonder if they were not actually propagating (and are still propagating) `do as l say, and not as l do` with heartless exploitation of others, as a mark and proof of their (egoistic) white “supremacy”.

Which goes a long way to give credence to what many people have said of the West (including, Martin Luther King Jr. in 1962) that Communism (oneness and equality) was indeed a wake-up call to the Christian West to urgently begin to “walk their talk/preaching” and take a definite stand against racism, slavery, inequality, social injustice and discrimination, of all kinds.
And that, after all, it is the Communist countries (labeled as evil and ungodly by the West) that are rather actually doing, exhibiting and living everything that Christ preached, while the Christian West is wickedly doing the exact opposite – perpetrating great atrocities, injustices, dehumanisation and exploitation of the weak and the poor – across the globe, to date.
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