GEJ, Osinbajo and Adeboye, by Akan Ebenezer

Uthman, of the Dan Fodio fame, said that, conscience was an open wound that could only be healed by truth, and I have not seen a more vilified leader whose conscience is being salted daily like GEJ (Goodluck Ebele Jonathan).
Even IBB (Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida) and (Sani) Abacha got off easy. Maybe it’s the internet age thing- we now play too much.

I think attacking GEJ and his profligacy has been handed over to (Yemi) Osinbajo, and he seems to be doing a good job, using every fora to drive home the message that we were looted silly by the previous government and pointing out how their pilfering retarded our development. And Osinbajo’s pedigree, education and pastoral sincerity has made him believable – even Wailers are distancing themselves from GEJ.
In societies where truth reigns supreme, even those caught with their hands in the till would have gone to court to sue for defamation and libel. Or at least come up with stories and documents to claim plausible deniability, no matter how tenuous it was. But all we have ever gotten from GEJ has been self-serving press releases denying all that has been said about him, and epistles from Reno (Omokri), the Little He-Goat.
Instead of seeking some form of redress in court, or coming clean – after all it’s now the season of writing books, GEJ has opted to write to (Pastor EO) Adeboye to reprimand Osinbajo for doing his job, as if Osinbajo is the Vice President of the Redeemed Church, and not for Nigeria.
Even Patience, Secondus and Dokpesi have made a show of going to court for defamation, so what is stopping GEJ? Is he afraid of what could be revealed at the trial, or does he understand the deluge waiting to be dumped on him if he does more than cry in silence?
Maybe his next appeal should be directed to Osinbajo’s Village Head, his in-laws- the Awolowo’s, and the Oba of Lagos for them to call Osinbajo to order, but we need to know what really transpired under his watch. So far, the stories that have come out have left us numb, we no longer bother to raise eyebrows when we read these stories. Everyday is a case of one forfeiture after another and the mess is still monumental. So why won’t the TI (Transparent International) perception be negative?
Like I said, it’s an open wound, only truth- a confession and an apology, would be the salve for that gaping wound, then the healing would start.
*Ebenezer, an active social media activist, posted this on his Facebook wall on Friday.