Sallah: NTIC Foundation distributes meat from 60 cows to less privilege

Nigerian Tulip International Colleges (NTIC) Foundation has on Tuesday slaughtered and distributed no fewer than 60 cows for indigent Nigerians who could not afford to buy or kill rams to celebrate this year’s Eid-el Kabir.
The meat distribution which is an annual event took place at the Nigerian Tulip International Colleges (NTIC) campus in Opic area of Ogun state.

Ercan Yilmaz, NTIC Ogun Principal while speaking with newsmen said that the festive period offers the College and the NTIC Foundation another opportunity to touch the lives of many indigent families and the less privileged members of the communities irrespective of their religion.
He said that the NTIC Ogun has the mandate that covers the distribution of the Sallah meat in Southwest region of the country and Kwara state, adding that other branches of the NTIC in other regions are also doing the same simultaneously.
“Our belief is that every establishment or corporate entity should endeavour to touch the lives of the people in their immediate community fist. This is why our branches in other part of the federation take care of the distribution in other states within their region.
“This year, about 60 cows were slaughtered to provide for approximately about 2000 families. As it was done in previous years, this gesture is being replicated in other states of the federation by our sister branches, as similar programmes are also replicated during Christmas.
Yilmaz stated that the motivation for this is simply to ensure that every family, irrespective of colour, race or religion is made happy on the occasion of this Sallah.
“We believe everybody irrespective of colour or faith should feel the spirit of the celebration. So the indigent must be made happy on this occasion too. For we, Muslims, Sallah is compulsory but this initiative will bridge the gap between different categories of people such as rich and poor; the haves and haves-not.
“At occasions like this, all hands should be on deck to put smiles on the faces of every members of the society. This is why we encourage other well meaning individuals and organizations to participate in making lives easier for the less privileged,” he added.