Chartered Institute of Arbitrators admits Alhussain Ibrahim as a member

Alhussain Ibrahim Esq was certified as an associate-member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (United Kingdom) during the week, precisely Tuesday December 13, 2022.

The Chattered Institute of Arbitrators is an international centre of excellence for the practice and profession of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Abbreviated as CIArb, the Institute has a global network of over 17,000 members, cutting across 149 countries.
CIArb provides education and training for arbitrators, mediators and adjudicators. It also acts as a global hub for practitioners, policy makers, academics and those in business, supporting the global promotion, facilitation and development of all ADR methods. It was Founded on 1st March 1915, and granted a royal charter by Queen Elizabeth II in 1979.
As a result of the clear affirmation of Alhussain Ibrahim’s prowess and dexterity in the field of Arbitration, and after undergoing examinations, fulfillment of all requirements, the Institute found worthy and certified him as an ‘Associate’ member.
“Hearty Congratulations to Alhussain Ibrahim, ACIArb (UK)”.