Knowing Buharism and Buharists

This is a repost from a 2019 post by Kurtis Adigba originally titled BUHARISM and BUHARISTS brought to focus by Utuk Iyanga. Excerpts:
Buharism is a set of Political, Economic and Social-cultural ideas that President Mohammadu Buhari, is intent on birthing in Nigeria. Buharists are those who believe and share these goals with him. They are not sheepish followers of President Buhari,as many bitter and ignorant folks, are accusing them of. They are aspirational and incurable dreamers,who believe that a new Nigeria,with the right values,is possible if they support the president in translating his vision into reality.

These men and women, are ordinary folks-hope traders, who have had their hopes and expectations, dashed so many times; but are not about to give up on their country. They recognize that President Buhari is not perfect as a human being and leader, not even close; but they are hopeful that the little they know about the president, and the uncommon courage he has shown in confronting our biggest challenges – corruption and others, he will set the country on the right trajectory for others to build upon.
Majority of Buharists are not in government and do not have access to those in government through their unwavering support. Even when they are qualified for certain appointments, and they have been overlooked in favour of some loud-mouthed critics of the government and the president, they are still firm in their support for the president and his government. Even their vocal opposition to the appointments of some of the lacerating critics of the president, is still an expression of support for the president. They don’t want people who don’t share or believe in his vision for Nigeria, to sabotage him. Gen. James Mattis (Mad dog),the immediate past US Defense Secretary, resigned his appointment from president Trump’s cabinet because he believes that “ the president deserves to have someone who shares his ideas and vision”. That is exactly what the Buharists want for their leader! Can two work together without agreement?
Buharists are not appointment crazy people. They are more interested in a better country for all, than in self-serving appointments. But they are also not opposed to the appointment of Buharists with the right qualifications and skill sets, into government. They are in fact calling for more of such appointments because of incentive compatibility-shared vision for Nigeria. They want a better and inclusive country; a country where everyone will play by the same set of rules; a country that holds the powerful to account; a country that stealing of public funds, is not a routine; a country where hard work pays and government do not chose winners and losers in the economy; a country that will be known and respected for the right values, and a country daily working and marching towards greatness. You don’t have to agree with their optimism, but you can’t deny them the right to be hopeful and aspirational.
Whenever they derogatorily described you as a Buharist, tell them this is who you are.