Biden accused at home for managing defeat rather than beating Russia

“The reason for that is President Biden and his entire team is resigned to failure in this war,” Mr. Cruz said, adding that, “They do not believe victory is possible and so they are trying to manage for defeat. They’re not trying to win the war.”

United States of America’s President Joe Biden might not be having it smooth with his people in the country as lawmakers are now reportedly on increase accusing of intentionally delaying aid to Ukraine and treating the Volodymyr Zelenskiy-led war-torn nation’s fight against Russia as if it were a lost battle.
A report, titled “Ted Cruz: Biden slow-walking Ukraine aid, trying to ‘manage defeat’ rather than beat Russia” and published Wednesday by The Washington Times, said Biden’s foot-dragging began with delaying support to Ukraine while while Russia built up troops on the border in preparation for the February 24 ‘invasion’ and continued with his recent veto of a deal to send Polish MiG fighter jets to Ukraiine.Senator Ted Cruz, lawmaker from Texas, made this accusation while laying out his case against Mr. Biden in an media interview. It included the White House repeatedly delaying military aid before the invasion and withholding crucial air defence systems from Ukraine now.
“The reason for that is President Biden and his entire team is resigned to failure in this war,” Mr. Cruz said, adding that, “They do not believe victory is possible and so they are trying to manage for defeat. They’re not trying to win the war.”
Senator Cruz insisted that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s army can be defeated, as the Soviet Union’s army was defeated in Afghanistan by U.S.-armed Mujahideen.
“The focus should be on getting the administration to do the right thing,” Mr. Cruz said. “Putin can be defeated, but not through an American policy of weakness and appeasement.”