Arsenal and their ‘La Caserra’

Rivals clubs’ fans have been poking fun at Arsenal fans for over a decade as they have failed to clinch a premiership title for that long. With numerous signings over the years, the London side has been finding it difficult to make headway.
This year is probably the most difficult for the side as they were not able to make it to the European Champions League this year. This is due to the fact that they could not maintain their top-four position which they always do.

The club is hoping to better their fortune this season as they have signed French star, Alexandre Lacazette. Lacazette was poached from French side, Lyon, and is known for speed and fluidity.
But trust Arsenal ‘haters’ in Nigeria, they are already making mockery of Arsenal’s Wenger’s decision. All of a sudden Lacazette is now being referred to as ‘La Caserra’, after the popular apple soft drink.
Maybe the decision is a big mistake for Arsene Wenger and his introduction into the team will make no difference. The club coughed a whopping sum of $90million for the player. $90million from a ‘stingy’ Wenger? La Caserra’ better satisfy the fans.
He is expected to travel with Arsenal’s tour party to Sydney this weekend and is likely to make his home debut in the Emirates Cup on July 29or July 30.