By Mujeebat Idris
To make a difference
You have to be up
And standing,
think on your own
and be firm, standing

To make a difference
You must be unique
in your character
thinking,creativity and
To make a difference
You walk while others are crawling
you run while others are walking
you fly while others are running
You single yourself out
from the mammoth
To make a difference
you think problems while
others are in deep sleep
you think solutions while
others think problems
you apply solutions
while others think solutions
and be ahead of others.
To make a difference
separate yourself from
who can drag you behind
and backward
with distractions
To make a difference
you have to understand where you’re coming from
before moving ahead.
Never say or think that
something is impossible
and do not limit yourself
To make a difference
You have to be standard
think on your own
and stand on your decisions
To make a difference
never assume but ask
never relent but work hard
never copycat but create
new ideas
To make a difference
if anybody asks you
this question:
why were you born?
tell him /her that
you were born to
It’s my world
Of great difference
*Mujeebat Moyosore Idris, a JSS2 student of Osmas, wrote from Onikolobo, Abeokuta, Ogun State.
Contact: katibidris@gmail.com