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As Zionists dig their grave


Almost all except the Illuminati, Satanists, Scientologists, the Masonic Lodges and their minions in Hollywood, the LGBTQ+ community, Washington and other Western capitals have come out to categorically condemn Bibi’s barbarism. Indeed, some of the most vocal campaigners for an immediate cessation of the ongoing crimes against humanity are Caucasian, Christian and even Jewish. South Africa is successfully prosecuting the criminals before the International Court of Justice.

The spontaneous walkout by diplomats when Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu mounted the stage to address the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 24, 2024 speaks volumes. It is a most important indicator of the total opprobrium in which the international community holds the obnoxious Zionist occupiers of Palestine. It also signals the beginning of the inevitable end of the last remaining apartheid regime on the globe, if humanity as a collective body rides the momentum and brings a decisive denouement to the decades-long decimation of the Palestinian people.

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Since October 7th 2023, the Zionist regime has slaughtered some 40,000 innocent individuals, some of them children and women and maimed over a hundred thousand others. This round of relentless mass killings of Palestinians makes the previous savage Israeli massacres seem humane in comparison. In addition, the scorched-earth destruction of over 70 per cent of infrastructure across Palestine has put millions into indefinite displacement and untold misery in the form of hunger, deprivation, disease and disorientation. By most accounts, the world is helplessly witnessing the worst-ever genocide in Gaza.

All these follow a pattern of blood-thirsty holocausts starting from the Deir Yassin Massacre (April 1948), Abu Shusha Massacre (May 1948), Tantura Massacre (May 1948), Lydda Massacre (July 1948), Saliha Massacre (October 1948), Al-Dawayima Massacre (October 1948), Qibya Massacre (October 1953) to the Kafr Qasim Massacre (October 1956) and the horrific massacre in the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards in August 1990. The average is one bloodbath every five years.
The occupation of Palestinian lands itself is illegal by all international laws.

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948 when the British mandate was scheduled to end. Jewish extremists seized the initiative in the same year and declared a state of Israel extending from Judea to Samaria. Their argument was that Jerusalem was the capital of the Land of Israel over 3000 years ago, in King David’s time. Also, that Christianity appeared 2000 years ago and Islam only came into being about 1400 years ago.

Now is the time to stop the systematic and unceasing massacres the Israeli occupiers are committing in the Holy Land. The open outrage of world leaders may be a little late but it is still encouraging. It is gladdening that the accelerated assault on Palestinians by the illegal ‘Jewish’ state has woken the whole world to this horrific reality of life at its shortest, nastiest and most brutish levels ever. The universal outpouring of condemnation against the cruelty being cold-bloodedly inflicted by the Zionists shows that human beings are one family in spite of differences in class, colour and creed.

Almost all except the Illuminati, Satanists, Scientologists, the Masonic Lodges and their minions in Hollywood, the LGBTQ+ community, Washington and other Western capitals have come out to categorically condemn Bibi’s barbarism. Indeed, some of the most vocal campaigners for an immediate cessation of the ongoing crimes against humanity are Caucasian, Christian and even Jewish. South Africa is successfully prosecuting the criminals before the International Court of Justice.

To see humanity so united against the horrifying killings could never be worth the pain but it surely sends a sense of hope that humans are generally good and definitely decent. Corollary to this is the celebration of the courage of the Palestinians in the face of tyranny. Today, Palestine symbolises the universal human dictum that ‘death in honour trumps life in humiliation.’ Truly, freedom is the first and most fundamental human right. Ceasefire conferences are never going to serve justice or engender sustainable peace for Palestine.

Biblically, Zionists are the most cantankerous and recalcitrant crop of people ever on earth. They not only repudiated most of the prophets sent to the Israelites but slandered and slew a majority of them. All Abrahamic scriptures record that they totally broke their covenants with the Creator Himself. The world should stop expecting them to end the inhuman occupation of Palestine on mere appeal or by an agreement.

The severest sanctions possible are now necessary. All these countries should immediately cut off all diplomatic and economic ties with the usurper state until it implements all the dozens of UN resolutions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Nigeria can lead this initiative on the continent as it did against the defunct Apartheid regime in South Africa. This will inspire nations which are in the process of normalizing relations with the Zionist regime to instantly postpone the process.

The US and many of its allies are under the yoke of these Jews who dictate their beliefs, own their economies, and control their politics. This is done through control of the media, the banks and the politicians respectively. Thus, while there are only 7.5 million Jewish Americans or 2.5 percent of the US population, they are like a tail that wags its dog. Of course, common citizens are not all complicit in the crimes; they are just completely powerless. This demonstrates the total delusion of Western democracy.

People should be prepared for the worst-case scenario in this phase of the Israeli war against Palestine. The aggressor is armed with nuclear nukes and backed by billions of greenbacks funnelled directly from DC. It is incorporating regional rivals like Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Egypt and Syria into the conflict thus ensuring a booming business for the military/industrial complex they control.

A Third World War may be imminent unless we unify and act collectively to end the injustice against Palestinians and other oppressed people. Prayers alone are not sufficient in this type of crusade for justice, peace and progress everywhere on earth. Everyone needs to be a combatant.

Conventional citizens can boycott Israel and its businesses as well as all those arming and assisting the Jewish state. Commentators must continue to call out the criminals. Voters should prevail on politicians to push the Palestinian independence process forward. Patronising a pariah state such as Israel could mean complicity in its horrendous crimes against humanity.

(First published on October 4, 2024 in TheCable, which says, “Views expressed by contributors are strictly personal” and not of it).

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