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Dear Honourable Ismail Kayode Tijani,

We are writing this letter to bring to your attention some burning issues we believe are unfair which require your urgent attention.

First and foremost, we have to spell out to you your rule of engagement as an Honorable member of the Nigeria House of Representatives as stipulated by the law of the federal republic of Nigeria.

1. A member of the House of Representatives is considered to be the direct representative of the people of His/Her district or constituency.

2. Such member’s roles and duties are and not limited to: representing His/Her constituency well, move peoples oriented motion on the floor of the house, carry out meaningful constituency services, education services, political services, electoral services among others.

3. In case you don’t know, the law states that you should and under must stay in touch with your constituents and hence, you become more aware of their needs and be able to advocate for them all.

4. Part of your paramount duties is to serve as a mediator to resolve a clash of interest within your constituency.

5. The law has it that every member should maintain constituency office, contact information that is accessible to the constituents.

Having stated all the above information to your comprehension, we observed and realized that you lack interpersonal skills to understand and defend our constituents interests.

In order not to further jeopardize peoples efforts that brought you to the present house you are occupying in Abuja, we have resolved to pay you back or give back what you have given to us by using our electioneering power to vote you out come 2023 by the grace of God.

So far so good, you have ridiculed your constituents and brought us shame through your body language and your insensitivity to the yearnings of the people.

Having given you the most precious time and advantage to present your scorecard, we realized that you have little or nothing good to show for it.

*We have some questions for you begging for your prompt answer:*

i. Are you representing your constituents directly?

ii. In what way are you representing your constituents well?

iii. What are the peoples oriented motions you have made all these while that have been passed into law and having direct impacts in the lives of the people you claim to be representing?

iv. What are the meaningful constituency services you have rendered?

v. Have you been available to the masses you are representing let alone having constituency office or contact information about you?

vi. Are you even aware of people’s needs let alone advocating for them?

vii. Since you were voted into power, did you ever hold any meeting anywhere, anytime anyhow to give your scorecard?

Therefore, we all realized that it’s high time we let go of you and make use of our divine electioneering power to bid you byebye and pick a better person this time.

As a member of your constituency, we can’t help further but to give you the best of advice that we think will scale you through.

Though, you have the right as a citizen and individual to seek re-election, so also we have the right as a whole constituency to step you out of the race come 2023 by God’s grace.

But our candid advice for you is that you should keep the remaining money on you for your upkeep and never think of using it for another campaign because any attempt by you to seek re-election will amount to total waste of money.

Without sentiment, take your time to do away with your cohorts and sing-praisers, move closer to the masses and see for yourself how deep you have jeopardized the mandate given to you.

However, at this moment, you may wish to doubt our intentions, you are allowed to go ahead with your campaign when the time comes, we will let you know that you are a total disgrace to the youth folk and we regret giving you our mandate.

God bless Ifelodun, Offa and Oyun federal constituency.

Enough of being credulous, we have woke up from our slumber, you dare not take us for a fool anymore.


Signed by:

Adeleye Adesayo

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