For the Record: Why the anti-China propaganda about 5G failed

By Bashir Adefaka

“So, while I agree with what he said about dangers of 5G or 4G or anything technology, I will 1,000 times disagree with him linking Coronavirus with China’s 5G. The hazard aspect of 5G is not denied by anybody. What is done anywhere is how to locate the technology to save lives. That I urge Nigeria, like Minister of Communications Isa Pantami said, to do by investigating the dangers associating with 5G, find a way to avoid it and then do what is good of it for development of Nigeria. Finally, those Nigerians who are helping America sell its propaganda of 5G/Coronavirus alliance should go and come back next time.”
About a week ago I did a long post on my Facebook wall titled, “This audio of evil propaganda against China over 5G must stop”. In the rider to that title I invited my several friends and readers who believe and have trusted me for the reliable stories, either as news or opinions, at all times to read my response on why I believe the particular audio in question, sent to me via whatsapp by a high chief and pharmacist to listen and make my observations about, had no correlation with the Coronavirus pandemic emergence and spread. The purpose for which the faceless but half-named producer of that audio was to convince his listeners that the Coronavirus pandemic was about the handiwork of China and that Beijing only used the virus as a cover up for what he wanted us to be believe as the main killer that is 5G technology. But, alas! Because I am never a push over at anytime and never a person who acts on anything comes without probing, I got all his mischief listed out one after another as I listened.
Then I made my observations and by that, the anti-China propaganda about 5G failed because China did no wrong but good and, in the case of Nigeria, China is one of the best friends that has cooperated with the country in terms of physical development. I said to him that I was going to also post my observations on the Facebook and make it a publication in the newspaper. Unfortunately I only posted on Facebook but haven’t been able to publish it and that I have just done.
I said to him that I had listened to it (the audio) to the last point of Yoruba part because the creator of the audio happened to be a Nigerian from Yoruba tribe and his sponsored mission was mainly to back America against China. I went on to say that the audio only strengthened the truth that I had but exposed the mixture of truth with falsehood by Kunle. He said his name should not be mentioned, it is ethically correct not to reveal his name.
However, my observation continued, I don’t know if you have formed your opinion already but I also know you to be a brilliant repository of knowledge to get what I want to bring out.
Yes, Coronavirus started in Wuhan, China, nobody is in doubt of it. Even China knows it. But America’s President Donald Trump, far before Coronavirus, had used his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to travel across Asia and Europe to do its propaganda against China without a mention of 5G. Trump, I personally heard him on the television, said China is next economy and admitted “it has in fact emerged”. Then come the Pompeo propaganda trip. Not even China ever told us anything like Coronavirus but far back Saddam Hussein had said America under George W. Bush was planning to use Coronavirus and I have sent the video on my Facebook wall for people to see if I lied or he lied.
That is one. Two, during Olusegun Obasanjo’s era at an Abuja Summit, in 1999, Libya’s President Mammaur Gaddafi had exposed how America manufactured HIV Aids in its laboratory and brought it to Africa and injected it in people.
The man speaking in the audio mixed truth with falsehood and I will try to let you know how. He talked about using viral disease as a cover up and he claimed doing that was by China. I got him well. He is a Yoruba man from Nigeria. When a liar talks, no matter how smart he is, he fails always to know that there are others who are seeing how the legs of the dead that he buried secretly are exposed, unknowingly to him. This is where he carelessly said he worked with WHO, World Health Organisation and that he was the one they used to ask to download all that they said in their closed door meeting on so called China’s Coronavirus/5G he did not attend. So, using viral disease to cover up a deadly “technology” is known only to America as an act of America not of China. And I implore you to follow me.
Gaddafi exposed America and then immediate past American President Bill Clinton was on seat in Abuja when he talked about the coming of HIV-Aids. He talked about an American aid worker he called Nurse in Libya and who had injected 400 Libyans before she was arrested and that she was “right now in my prison” in Tripoli and that he would not release her until certain conditions he gave were met.
Don’t forget that while that HIV Aids was being sold to Africa, America told us that it came from human being having sex with animal and so that it can only be contacted through sexual intercourse which made many people see victims as adulterers. It was later they buried the issue of sex with animal when Africans began to chide the West as the only humans that have sex with animals and spread the disease internationally. And at that time AIDS no longer must transmit via sex, and so they said if somebody that had AIDS shared razor blade, or his or her blood touched other’s blood, it was contacted. We were on that and because we are Africans, particularly Nigerians whose Lord and saviour are mainly America, much as we even had people among our doctors who were brilliant enough to research and get the cure – Agbalaka, we used our government money to fund sensitisation and the rest and NGOs funded by America were busy destroying Dr. Agbalaka that AIDS had no cure and we remained like that until America itself declared its own discovery of AIDS cure after many years of allowing the virus to drain and kill people so that there would be no one doubting its existence.
The same NGOs and even government officials using public resources to fund the HIV AIDS campaign believed America’s pronouncement without asking question like they did to the Nigeria’s doctor. But Agbalaka’s drug, many returnee soldiers from Liberia testified, cured them. And even Islamic Prophetic medicine, xxxx, has been confirmed as AIDS cure.
This is why we continue to ask the question till today, why are victims of HIV AIDS only Africans? No Nigerian wants to listen because America, apart from using it as supremacy game and even economic growth strategy, created opportunities in it for these Nigerians and some other Africans to make personal money. That is why Boko Haram war drags because those NGOs who claim to be aid workers and rights groups, e.g. Amnesty International, know well who the sponsors are (America connected) and so why they instead of standing with Government to end it, they stand with the terrorists.
Now, to accept Kunle’s theory here is to say that technology is evil. I know well that a very powerful propaganda by America has started and it is going round and underground in mainly Nigeria because the bulk of African support base of America is Nigeria (via those sponsored NGOs). They know with America’s fall their stomach too falls. But for how long can whims and caprices of few self based people continue to sell in our land when we can now see that the only foreign ally we have had that brought us a path to development is so far China and not America? These pro-America NGOs are the people selling the idea of 5G as instant killer to link Coronavirus with China making. They fail from start.
Truth, none of these technologies is not hazardous. We all know and the 5G technology is not an exemption just 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. We know of cancerous effect and so on; even we know it with the various GSM masts installed around us and even it is much, according to findings, with our airports operations which radiation has its health implication and the rest. But there has always been precautions and ways of stationing the technology for the avoidance of such hazard, there is no proof that any of them so far has got anything to do with virus of any type, and so where have those including a particularly pastor and a former senator who talk of link between 5G and Coronavirus got their information? Because, while we have enough confirmed information of America being in possession of many viruses, in its labs and having them with intent to keep holding on to super power, we only heard on record how China, having realised its poverty status at a time in the past, only used its population strength to build itself. That is what has happened. China has the technology and is using it to overtake America. I put it to you that from available records, I have come to agree and strongly believe that Coronavirus is Made in America and was only reversed and sent back to America and its conspiracy allies by China after it was attacked with it in Wuhan. So, all these propaganda can’t work.
China therefore is only a victim and the fact that it got over its problem should not be used against it. It should be praised, rather. And even the WHO, which that Kunle is claiming in his audio, has lauded the China. Also America’s Trump had called the Chinese President Xi Jinping seeking his help and he has started granting it by donating 1,000 ventilators to it to solve its Coronavirus cases.
So, while I agree with what he said about dangers of 5G or 4G or anything technology, I will 1,000 times disagree with him linking Coronavirus with China’s 5G. The hazard aspect of 5G is not denied by anybody. What is done anywhere is how to locate the technology to save lives. That I urge Nigeria, like Minister of Communications Isa Pantami said, to do by investigating the dangers associating with 5G, find a way to avoid it and then do what is good of it for development of Nigeria.
Finally, those Nigerians who are helping America sell its propaganda of 5G/Coronavirus alliance should go and come back next time.